2 years ago
There'll be (non story) spoilers inside, but is there anyone here planning to get Pokemon SV that plays at least mildly competitive in VGC format?
2 years ago
Legit all I play pokemon for is reaching the postgame to breed up a bunch of competitive mons and test builds out against the AI offline. We uh. Supposedly can't do that anymore.
2 years ago
I'd like to think I'm decent at the teambuilding once the meta's known, but I know I'm pretty bad at the battles themselves, so I want to avoid having to resort to randoms as much as possible. Would anyone be up for being a casual battle partner, so we can test out our new ideas once in a while?
2 years ago
... Also yes following game leaks is entirely why I've been lagging so far behind in RP. I will.. get back to that soon...