2 years ago
[YGO Master Duel] My 2 main decks:
latest #43
2 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/4LFoR4Uxb7j8OoK8OisP0b.png https://images.plurk.com/60VDwlk3jGRLTFC0WyfqOC.png
2 years ago
A Salamangreat Deck, and a Red Dragon Archfiend deck because apparently rather than maining a MC archetype I ended up with the major side character's instead
2 years ago
But it's alright because it's Soulburner and Jack Atlas and they're rad as heck.
Doge-lover Joja
2 years ago
nothing wrong with that
2 years ago
My To-do list of this game rn is pretty much:
Scrounge up gems for a Yusei deck (Focusing on Stardust Dragon and Friends)
Scrounge up gems for a Kaito/Kite deck (Focusing on Galaxy-Eyes)
Doge-lover Joja
2 years ago
I always enjoy watching YuGiOh being played, even if I don't have the patience/time for it
2 years ago
It's pretty fun to watch yes! And definitely a pain to learn if you're completely blind.
ohhh nice!
2 years ago
Surprisingly Jack's deck was p easy for me to pick up out of all the 5D character decks since the rest are combo focused and the less I think about Crow's abundance of cards the better.
laughs look I love all BFs so you won't see me complaining
(though I also don't play the game outside of single player video games, so...)
2 years ago
BFs thing is the fact that their current incarnation is splashed with two Arc-V archetypes, and that the pure one generally uses a mix of its Arc-V, manga and Anime cards
2 years ago
god, it will never not be funny to me that the game basically evolved into Crow's ideal meta
2 years ago
2 years ago
Y...yeah. The metagame currently is "oops i all my cards, now my field is full of negates and a huge attack monster"
I looked at some of the Master Duel videos and it feels like everything gets decided in the first one or two turns...?
as much as I love spamming my BFs all over the place, that kinda instant win/lose is a bit too much for me
2 years ago
Yeah it's pretty much how the game is played in real life too, basically most decks now, (and old ones that get modern support) focus on making their endgoal in one turn and then defend their goal for a turn as the going second player try to break it.
2 years ago
The old days of give and take duels is p much gone ever since the Link/Pendulum era started
which is exactly why you won't find me there I'll just be over here replaying 5D's era World Championship and Tag Force until the end of time...
!!!! eq, i didn't know that you were into ygo!!! we need to play together ehehehe
2 years ago
I even had a moment where I did RP Judai from GX and Yuma from Zexal! I've been in this fandom so deep
one does not simply leave ygo...... I would know
man, i'm rping judai right now so that is hilarious. welcome to ygo, you'll never get out
if you ever get back into rping, i would love to play off your judai and y yuma!!!
2 years ago
Yeah, definitely! It'd probably be in some memes, but I'm definitely up for that.

And maybe actually make a HERO deck when I can afford them for accuracy.
god, yeah, my bf has a hero deck and it's... bloody expensive, some of the cards since some of them can be used for meta
i'm currently making a spright deck and uh two or three cards are at least $60 a pop and i need three of each so........
2 years ago
Yeah, it's why I'm focusing mostly on Master Duel since making decks are cheaper there even if they're... less outdated and in a best of 1 format.
2 years ago
* kind of outdated even
yeaaaaaaah i might have to do that too but it doesn't feel the same without the cards physically in your hands
2 years ago
Sprights tho, the price is definitely worth it since they're one of the top decks rn
oh yeah, that's one of the reasons why i'm building it since i like to play in tournaments. it's just... yeah, credit cards are the ultimate cards in ygo
2 years ago
Won't be a trading card game if you don't swipe your credit card for it.
Thank god that i only play ygo........ imagine if you were into multiple tcgs lmao
TCGs are the OG gachas
God you're right, they are the OG gachas.... i remember lil ichi opening up booster packs like they were crack
I pulled a $80 card last night and the high felt great LOL this really is gacha
2 years ago
the difference from gacha is that swiping for a box can net you a profit rather than that png of that one operator you want
Laughs, that's true! Unless you sell accounts like some people do
I'm unironically looking into selling my jp fgo account soooo...
best of luck with sales!! i know that there's a subreddit just for selling fgo accounts
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