2 years ago
[Wildlife] I'm generally vehemently opposed to hazing. Unless it's of wild animals, and meant only to teach them nonlethal lessons about how terrifying us weirdly proportioned primates are. Then fire those paintballs, fire away!
latest #12
nan says
2 years ago
There are a lot of hard lessons a wolf has to learn when it leaves its natal family.
nan says
2 years ago
This one will involve some stinging and some really gross grooming sessions. Could be a lot worse.
2 years ago
Wolves: what is with you people
nan says
2 years ago
Humans: EXACTLY what we want you to ask! Every time you see this unmistakeable, bizarre silhouette!
nan says
2 years ago
Humans: "Oh, no, it's one of those things" you should think! That's the safest way for everyone!
nan says
2 years ago
...which would make a good premise for an eldritch horror story actually. Humans as the equiv of wolves, your average Mothman type thing just trying to haze us off.
Many mistakes
2 years ago
huh I wonder if paintballs have been tried out here...
2 years ago
Having looked it up, I think using paintballs got a lot of evidence from work on the Yellowstone packs

Yellowstone is Shooting Paintballs at Wolves and Say...
2 years ago
The wolf program really stepped up their hazing program around 2018, when they had new evidence they could make it work and new incentives to do so.

Habituated wolf’s death may leave lasting legacy
2 years ago
Banff National Park in Canada does it too. Combined with radio collars!

Banff's wolf strategy changing gears in national par...
2 years ago
I found out while looking this up that one paintball gun manufacturer has a listing where they proudly boast abt their products being used heavily by US national parks staff to haze big predators
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