I mostly write science fiction and fantasy long form (novels and novellas) though I have also written scripts for various projects by Six to Start (the Zombies, Run! people, though I have not specifically written for ZR) and done IP work for Activision Blizzard and Fantasy Flight Games.
My published novels are: Hunger Makes the Wolf and Blood Binds the Pack, which are about motorcycle-riding space witches conducting a labor revolt on a mining planet.
My steampunk novellas about a bisexual latina rail pirate and her motley crew have been collected in Murder on the Titania and Other Steam-Powered Adventures and Wireless and More Steam-Powered Adventures.
Other pertinent details: I've got an MS in geology so I have opinions about crystals and badly drawn maps. I like bicycling and playing video games. I have a tabby cat named Loki and recently lost my beloved black cat Tengu.
And now I'm here because Twitter seems to be going down in flames and this is pretty much the only other social media platform I like at all. So there we go.