pandiculates so gloom! perfect for huddles.
how is my Wee this delightfully gloomy morning?
Mine was drugged, and quite decent!
no rules against it, but probably best to wait til nap tiem?
I'll probably have an early nap
nods confidently
it's like bubbles, but different
ohai Minks. Give it a couple years and you will be the one demanding bedtime. It is hard to believe when you are a puppy puppy puppy! but it is true.
listen to TErrier, she is wise
meanwhile, has anyone told you about tennis balls?

where did it go?
we're going to need a bigger ball
into lorge puppy mouth giggles
stealth snuggles are pretty cute
"-The Cursed Object is worried there won't be enough jam at the new house."
shall we fix up a care package?
oh dear. that is a valid concern
yes yes! a few jars of Mrs. Moles best should alleviate concerns

how smol must you be to use a budgie as a pillow @.@
thank you for the warning o.o
all right you two, you are under arrest on multiple charges
most srs, you are both illegally smol

someone has been eavesdropping on my spells?
they can't understand the language, though
must be more careful about that ^^
oh, wow. this is an Important word that we need to know.
The Clumsy Foxes. Monkey, polar bear, octopus, skunk, peacock.
look what I've got for later!
piles up some quilts, begins arranging
please imagine this in black and slightly more Terrier shaped.
yawn | Tumblr
I have obtained a TErrier!
gunna snuggle her and read her a story
about Mouse's First Halloween!
is this Son of Soup Mouse?
...and the last words of the book were "Do it again!"
the bits were small, but nice
waking up was hard though
also, that took quite a long time O.o
you probably don't have that luxury
not as much as I would have liked, but some. I pulled the Finny under for snuggles and he allowed it for a bit
lol. First A was bewildered that Halloween tourism made it harder to get a hotel room, now she's posting photos from Salem.
I didn't know there was one in Oregon! Though I suppose it's not a very strange name.
we talked about it when she was first comfused, she 's doing a residency week for her mostly online program at MIT
it's the capital of Oregon
hang on a moment. I did know that.
I do not know anyone else who hashtags their fb posts so extensively.
yes, that's plenty of hashtags >.>
bother, garbage pick up change (why did I bother to correct that when I typed ick up?)
private group. what's the change?
oh! every other week for garbage, two cans
it'll be on the municipality website if you need the schedule
it was the same last winter. ^^
alternating with recycling
was, thought you might need the reminder
a reminder never hurts ^^
it was posted with a comment about what a terrible idea that is when we have bears all year here
oh, wow, that's a difficult Event
annual pumpkin walk is Nov. 2? ok fine