2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
【公告】【2022 Infurnity 獸無限 Day2 Panel活動內容】


〔我們如何在獸圈裡組織起來?|How Can We Organize in the The Furry Fandom?〕

今年八月,臺獸研籌組了獸迷讀書會:一個供獸迷閱讀、討論、思考獸迷身份與社群的空間。本次獸無限活動我們為延續讀書會的討論,特別邀請到美國創作者/組織者 Stigmata 與我們連線,分享他在美國獸迷社群的經驗、以及對於商業資本、大型活動、性別、以及對於獸迷社群本身的觀察。

時間:2022/10/30(日) 11:00-13:00
地點:3F 碧玉廳
latest #6
This August, Taiwan Anthropomorphic Research Project organized book clubs in the aim of providing a space for reading, discussing and pondering the identity and community of furries.
As a continuation of this aim, we invited Stigmata, prolific creator and organizer, to share his experiences and observations regarding commercial capital, fan conventions, gender, and the community itself.
本活動將以中英雙語進行,提問環節 30 分鐘(中英語提問皆可)。
This panel will be organized bilingually, with a 30 minutes Q&A session.
咕咕咕!偷偷補充一下講者的FA Profile

Userpage of stigmata -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
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