ミ★ 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘺 ★彡
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
[ chatter ] https://images.plurk.com/4L4oST35BMFguRU1txRdGQ.png
... shitposting also welcome bc i play justy what do you expect
latest #11
everyone here is out of his league
but now i have to focus on work for the rest of the night so i will try to resist distracted tagging weh
lazy so i'll probably just update this plurk with his week one tl tomorrow
2 years ago
milky 💫
2 years ago
justy is so endearing, he'll have no issues i'm sure
i forgot i made this but idk if there is already one /shrug
2 years ago
this is what i wasted my lunch on
finally finished listening to my canon review at work and i just... someday i'll force someone to watch this with me just so i can talk about the last half of it AHHHHHHHHHH
also sort of forgot just how off the rails justy went right before the point i'm playing him from but also i have some flexibility there on exact timeframes. so i'm just gonna roll with it yolo
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