2 years ago
[tdl] Beyond Empires Worldbuilding TDL
latest #8
2 years ago
So in the mythical era known as When I Have Time, I've been wanting to flesh out some of the BE setting stuff. I've gotten in the habit of thinking too... high concept? and there's a lot of the groundwork that's just... missing.
2 years ago
So most of my wiki pages give you a very rough idea of what a thing is, but very little in the way of detail, so I'mma try to do something about that.
2 years ago
So. After digging through Pathfinder's Inner Sea World Guide, I've come up with a format for doing some of that worldbuilding.
2 years ago
For each country in BE, I'm going to do a 6 settlements/5 sites ratio. Settlements being... settlements, and sites being anything from major geographical features such as forests or mountain ranges to ruins/dungeons or other interesting, non-settlement locations.
2 years ago
One of the settlements for each should be pretty easy for almost everywhere, since most of the countries have a proper capital, or in the case of the Weeping Wastes, used to.
2 years ago
There are a few places that don't, like the Steppes of Khalka-Nur and the Iron Principalities, but it should still be fairly easy.
2 years ago
The one area I'm particularly concerned about, though, is the Iron Principalities, because it's just not very fleshed out. It's probably the weakest geographical region in Avas, and possibly the entire BE setting as it currently stands.
2 years ago
I've actually been somewhat tempted to scrap the place entirely and replace it with something else, but I like the idea of constantly-warring Balkanized states, so we'll see.
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