Desertnut says
15 years ago
I'll be away from Plurk for awhile
latest #21
bikeman says
15 years ago
Have fun :-)
Desertnut says
15 years ago
for the next couple of months. Very busy with projects and going places. I'll be back! I will miss my plurk friends. (bye)
15 years ago
oh no! we will miss you!
StitchNRead says
15 years ago
you will be missed...take care and come back as soon as you can
bikeman says
15 years ago
Wow that a long time will miss you.
RonaldM says
15 years ago
months :-(
RonaldM says
15 years ago
take care and be save (bye)
Kstatemom says
15 years ago
Have fun! Let us know when you are back!
15 years ago
you know you could report in and we wouldn't expect any personal comments.
Ethans_Mommy says
15 years ago
oh no. We will miss you very much. Take care, be safe, and have fun.
15 years ago
Oh my goodness. Two months! Ack! (woot) I'll miss you lots!
Fly Fisher
15 years ago
Oh, no! I think I'm going to (tears)
15 years ago
:-o Hurry back... we'll miss you!!!
voxypop pop says
15 years ago
im already missing you! :-(
polink says
15 years ago
hey, it will be long. Hope to see you soon. Missing you.
15 years ago
just wanted to check in, to let you know you've been on my mind.
poulsen says
15 years ago
I missed this plurk, but look forward to you coming back.
14 years ago
I was wondering what happened to you (wave)
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