1 years ago
Working on a female version of my walk-in closet, needed more matching hangers.Wooden Clothes Hangers - Dutchie | SL
latest #7
1 years ago
Also, first thing I released since the operation Available inworld and on the MP
1 years ago
Lady Bintley
1 years ago
How are you doing? I do hope that it went well x
Izzie Bizzie
1 years ago
yay for working again!
1 years ago
Operation was 4 months ago, went for pictures of my back last week and and all the screws and stuff where in the right place, so it's going well Plurk thanks for asking! Now the vertebrae have to grow together, which can take 18 months to 2 years. It's a long, slow proces.
1 years ago
Working is wonderful, couldn't agree more Plurk
Oxygen Venus
1 years ago
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