we’re legends
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
so Dahmer is a grimy little show that has inflicted genuine harm and should not exist anyway i just finished binging it and taking a shower to get clean again

there is a way to handle true crime stories with sensitivity and compassion, and dahmer is like the opposite of that
latest #60
we’re legends
2 years ago
i did at least put my pirate hat on rather than give netflix the views
we’re legends
2 years ago
for a show that claims to be from the perspective of victims and loved ones it - sure doesn't do that!
we’re legends
2 years ago
it spends eight episodes just rolling around in dahmer's atrocities while presenting dahmer as - not a sympathetic figure, no, but maybe a guy you could have some things in common with
we’re legends
2 years ago
like i fucking laughed at the pig dissection scene because in third grade we got to dissect cow's eyes and i was super pumped and my partner wanted less than nothing to do with it so i got to do THE WHOLE THING and it was GREAT
we’re legends
2 years ago
(or so my memory tells me anyway, i suspect steph was probably made to do at least some of her part, but anyway)
Ashen Key
2 years ago
oh, that sounds.... charming /s
we’re legends
2 years ago
oh i haven't gotten to my favorite part yet
Ashen Key
2 years ago
I really enjoyed the graphic novel 'My Friend Dahmer', because it was... actually written by one of his high school friends. And dealt a lot with 'wtf happened'. And while there was soooome sympathy there for Dahmer, it was also very clear that He Chose To Kill People
Ashen Key
2 years ago
(and I highly rec the graphic novel)
we’re legends
2 years ago
so after eight episodes of what i will give the show credit as being super uncomfortable television (it is blatantly clear that the viewer is not supposed to be enjoying themselves watching these things unfold, which i suppose is meant to be its saving grace or whatever)
we’re legends
2 years ago
but after that, in a breathtaking display of hypocrisy, the show has the nerve to turn around and condemn the people who were profiting off dahmer in the wake of his sudden fame!!!!!!!!!!!
we’re legends
2 years ago
i will simply scream forever
Ashen Key
2 years ago
Ashen Key
2 years ago
Ashen Key
2 years ago
you don't get to do that, show!!!
we’re legends
2 years ago
so it's certainly got me reexamining my relationship with true crime media consumption, though not in the way i think it wanted; i think it wants to be exempt from that examination, because, you see, it Said All The Right Things
we’re legends
2 years ago
now let's cut back to dahmer at the stove, smeared artfully in blood
we’re legends
2 years ago
we’re legends
2 years ago
and yes, i have heard good things about my friend dahmer, though i didn't know it started as a comic. i'd only heard about the movie
Ashen Key
2 years ago
it reminds me a bit of the Jurassic World movies, which sometimes pretend to be a critique of consumerism and Big Budget Movies Always Demanding More... while being a shallow series of shallow Big Budget Movies
we’re legends
2 years ago
Ashen Key
2 years ago
yeah, the movie is based off the comic afaik! i haven't seen it, but the novel is good. it has a genuine air of the author trying to wrestle and make sense of wtf happened
Ashen Key
2 years ago
and tracing things back, and going, '...ah. well. there we go'
we’re legends
2 years ago
hmm. that reminds me of Ann Rules's book a stranger beside me, which is about ted bundy. she'd already been assigned to write about murders before the case was solved, and when bundy was arrested, well. she knew him! they'd volunteered together at a suicide hotline! they were sort of kind of friends!
we’re legends
2 years ago
so the book is bother a chronology of bundy's crimes and a clearly therapeutic exercise for Ann as she struggled to come to terms with it all
Ashen Key
2 years ago
Yeah, I'd say similar to that vibe
we’re legends
2 years ago
and you had best believe she had some things to say about the fucking groupies
2 years ago
yep not a thing I am gonna watch, thank yuo for confirming XD
Ashen Key
2 years ago
Backderf doesn't chart Dahmer's future (to the novel's) crimes, and only covers the first one as it happened within the timeframe or close to when he knew him, and I don't think he's interested in it. But that same trying to untangle and sort out events leading up that, and how this person he regarded as a friend, albeit a deeply weird and troubled one
Ashen Key
2 years ago
ended up.... being Jeffrey Dahmer
Ashen Key
2 years ago
there's a fair amount of 'where the FUCK' were the adults
we’re legends
2 years ago
that is such a good question
Ashen Key
2 years ago
it also all reminds me of a book I have about the victims of Jack the Ripper
Ashen Key
2 years ago
The Five, by Hallie Rubenhold
Ashen Key
2 years ago
that book is AMAZING. it doesn't give a fuck about Jack the Ripper. doesn't care who he was or why he murdered those women
we’re legends
2 years ago
Ashen Key
2 years ago
it doesn't even go into what he did TO the women
we’re legends
2 years ago
I love that book
we’re legends
2 years ago
Did you know she did a podcast
Ashen Key
2 years ago
alllll it cares about are those five women and who they were. so good
Ashen Key
2 years ago
remindmeofthe: oooh no i did not!!
we’re legends
2 years ago
I gotta get to bed, but yeah. That book is a real eye opener
Ashen Key
2 years ago
it is my gold standard now for "do you care about the victims"
we’re legends
1 years ago
cacopheny i missed your comment yesterday, but yex, very much not Gail-friendly tv. you'd be better off watching fresh, lol. at least it's fictional and has Seb Stan
1 years ago
(LOL) I'm so not into murder shows...
we’re legends
1 years ago
and i respect that
1 years ago
(though I do plan to make you watch a... supernatural horror? miniseries when you get here)
we’re legends
1 years ago
ooh, fun
1 years ago
ever heard of Kingdom Hospital?
we’re legends
1 years ago
heard of, yes. seen, no
1 years ago
welp you get to! I have it on DVD. it's kind of dumb but also fun
we’re legends
1 years ago
we’re legends
1 years ago
"kind of dumb but also fun" is one of my favorite genres
we’re legends
1 years ago
and hey, random fun fact: the dude who played Dahmer also played fake Pietro in WandaVision
1 years ago
oh yeah? he's also the dude who played Quicksilver in the X-Men movies
1 years ago
he's a cool dude
1 years ago
I feel bad that he had to play that guy in that show
1 years ago
Dahmer, I mean, not WV
we’re legends
1 years ago
lol. like he chose to, he's one of the executive producers and it wasn't his first fucked up role. apparently he takes time off between them to like recover himself
1 years ago
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