still not 100% post covid, and it's easy to fall into this trap of "well if I can't do ALL the things, then can't do any!!!"
That is such an easy trap to fall into
IT IS, for both RL and RP aaaaaa
Jun. if anybody's ever stuck in an event because they need help talking about their feelings, Vyng actually makes a pretty good sounding board for those kinds of characters, I think
man, idk why, but I feel weirdly anxious about my tags lately ;; like wondering if the other person is having fun, stuff like that
hhhh just gotta push through it
I always enjoy your tags, if that helps
gently grips. i've frequently felt that way myself so i know exactly how hard it can be to tag through it, but i will tell you that every time I've gotten a Vyng tag i've been excited to see it in my inbox
oh man, all y'all's tags are treasures in my inbox

It's just so easy to psyche myself out sometimes sdflskdf A lot of us have probably been there
ok ok ok /SLAPS CHEEKS did 6 tags yesterday. wrote drafts for 7 today, and I will shoot for at least 8 tomorrow. gonna get that momentum going in time for the weekend
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone
Michael. he's spent nearly a year thinking of himself as a Trenchy, really embracing this place as his home, making sacrifices for people. July was actually pretty jarring for him 😬
Obi-Wan. "really?" lmao he hears that one a lot
Jun. he never wants to diminish the weight of loss and grief. at the same time, I think he definitely skews toward framing things in a more positive way to build stronger resilience
Luca. NO killing sea monster children

featuring silly-dramatic one-liners
Reaper. just remembered omens don't like being called pets lol
Maul. Vyng prefers turning other people's own violence against them if he can swing it, rather than landing his own blows. even when he's afraid, he usually keeps a pretty good head on his shoulders during a crisis
not that it really matters here. because owl mom
would vyng ever let him know he knows this tidbit?
greenlantern: hmm, good question. After that memshare thing in May, he def. gets the sense Anakin doesn't like talking much about his past
So it's prob more likely he'd try relating to him with that info in mind (i.e. the fact Vyng lost his own mother and had trouble letting go)....rather than outright being like "hey your dad told me stuff behind your back"
but it's not outside the realm of possibility, either
i don't think he'll be too upset obi-wan said anything and instead be more upset that now he understands better where those two stand with each other and no one thought to let anakin know
and vyng is definitely not wrong he doesn't like talking about his past
or at the very least his life started at age 9-ish
nothing happened before at all :|
greenlantern: not labeling a relationship isn't very conducive to informing other people about it! They're friends, and he assumes Anakin knows that lol
but yeah, him aggressively acting like the first 9 years of his life didn't happen is such a vibe that Vyng can understand, so he leans more toward creating space for it, and letting the other person decide how much to share
there's friends and '''''friends'''''
one does not cancel out the other!
lmao this sure is going to be a convo
anakin's a romantic he doesn't believe in fooling around!
then you don't gotta fool around

problem solved, right??
but he's met obi-wan's one true love so hands off >B(
Boga was the one setting him up with people!!
Jun. he is not phased by petulant teenagers
Michael. he can't fault anyone for getting psychologically triggered and defending their homies in a fit of corruption. trench things, man
10 - 15.
Obi-Wan. date-night bar chatter
Illarion. whenever he senses someone reaching for him, he always reaches back
That's my dad.
at least he's self-aware
Luca. channeling his mother, let's fucking gooooo
Nara'a. after over a year of no shapeshifting, it feels so good to finally bring it back out
even if it's technically different
Might have gotten distracted by videos of cats getting spooked by cucumbers while writing that one, though lmao
Ruby. you show 'em, rubles!!
Billie & Jod. he rarely passes over the opportunity to make a pun. I'm sorry
OKAY. Responded to everybody in the nightmare log. I am soooo stoked for these threads, ya'll. thanks for everyone's patience
I've had meta and plotting I wanna kick around. but whenever I'm behind on tags, I feel like I lose the right to show my face on Plurk LOL
but I feel like I'm starting to get the ball rolling again
Sansa. dad wolf is a dick, but at least vyng has an ally this time??
also, the fact a group of druids is called a "clade" in this such a delightfully nerdy detail lmao. I think this is the first time I've gotten to us it in a tag
AS AN ASIDE...Gonna make note of first-draft tags as I go for now, so it'll help me get that dopamine hit (even though I still wanna go back and polish a lil more)
I've had a small pile of drafts accumulated over the week. And then was feeling like I was hopelessly behind because I wasn't acknowledging the writing I had gotten done
Nara'a. sounds about right in a dreamscape. also, bumble-snek at the defense!!
Michael. squid fight, squid fight!
Luca. oh man, I've actually really missed incorporating animals into threads
Jun. I'd legit laugh if a serious, emotionally-stifled character just whipped out a letter they wrote the next they time they got caught in a "talk about your emotions" event
Shiro. a good time for everyone here
VI. Raven Sight draft done
Oscar. when you "yes-and" and are also like ????
aaand that's all I owe for the nightmare log atm
VII. Oscar nightmare draft done.
Tuck. bird just mirrors what it hears, sorry man
Michael. he knows he kinda had a hand in all that monstering-out business :x
Luz. lord knows he makes plenty of Druids uneasy back home, so it tracks that at least a few Disciples would similarly be like
Obi-Wan. between the sass and snark and philosophy, these two can be so sweet sometimes
XI. Black parade network post draft done
Obi-Wan. still talking about Anakin
like most people in or involved with the SW cast lol
Oscar. he can't be the only one, right??
Tuck. I imagine it sounding like a kenku
fuck, is Never Mind a kenku?
Jun. he just owns the word "stupid", tbh
I. Billie & Jod draft done.
walk of shame where I start wading into September backtags
III. Sansa draft done x 2
So far I'm liking this new system. If I miss a day or 2 of tags, it's easier to fall back into it if I've got a small backlog of rough drafts that just need a lil extra polishing
I keep them saved using Vivaldi's note system
so hopefully no more wipe-outs like what happened in July, where I lost like.....12 tags, rip
Billie network. He is always willing to hear his son out
Also, Vyng & Tuck assuming it was "Gays district" when they first got here will never not be funny to me, I'm sorry
frolicking over there expecting a good time with accepting people, and no. it's just a big library
Shiro network. I left that prompt intentionally vague, I kinda wanted to see what people landed on lol
Ryouma network. The communal aspect of Trench has always really appealed to him, tbh. even tho July kinda soured that view a little bit
Anakin network. he's just like "OH YOU" :>
Manabu network. missing the point, as always
Michael. he worded that poorly, but you know what he means. right??
Jinx network. lmao I'm sorry
Ruby. so many good chickens, tho
Sansa network. he will absolutely knit a dog sweater if he must
Jinx network. it might turn into a game of 20-questions
Manabu network. Being helpful in the laziest way possible
Usagi. painfully on brand, and also incredibly stupid. let's fucking gooooo
Sansa. he is convinced she's a druid. (I am 95% sure "greenseer" is the name of one of the druidic clades, too, although they're aligned with ungulates)
yeah she has picked up on the similarities from adaine
actually when she reads adaine's book she just tells her friends she's a druid who got stuck trying to help adaine
She might be considered one in some fashion back in his world. It's more of a philosophy than an actual school of magic (you technically don't need powers to call yourself a druid), but they're not a monolith either. Schools of thought vary by culture
he says to the literal demon, not knowing it is a demon
Obi-Wan. do you ever inflict emotional damage on yourself with a tag
Sansa network. it's only polite to ask nicely for a little fur
Ryouma. Trench is a lot of things, but at least it's not a
capitalistic hellscape, amirite
does he have big sword energy?? he has no idea
Michael. the roomie who does it all
Keith. he is so helpful here
Maul. intent seems to matter for plenty of things in Trench (and also some druidic practicse & rituals), so no reason not to apply that same reasoning here
Manabu. virginity is a social construct
and yes, Tuck believes there are that many virginities
like hugging

and kissing

and hugging and kissing at the same time
Anakin. a questionable token of friendship, but vyng isn't picky
lmao I think some of my drafted tabs disappeared, but THAT IS A-OKAY because those mfers are saaaaved on vivaldi
Sansa. Getting back to stuff from before October. Thanks for your patience
Ruby. Man. So many sympathetic druids here tonight! he's not sure what to think
Maul. "hello, soft-spoken devil man that somehow lives in my and also my mother's repressed memories, it's nice to meet you"
Oscar. that's a great thing to say in a dreamscape that moulds itself based off your worst memories/deepest fears
especially if you're an ozbin, but of course vyng doesn't know that here
Nara'a. you become corrupt and then you become a senator, makes total sense to him
Obi-Wan. dead mentor-parent vibes, he feels ya'
Michael. This explains everything and nothing
blitzed through most of my network tags today, friends
Low back's been locked up since the covid struck, so it's hard for me to sit for long stretches of focused computer time
I took a salt bath, did some stretches, and more walking today though. Gonna hit the hay with some salonpas gel and hope it's better tomorrow
I was actually doing a lot better on Saturday, but then I lulled myself into a false sense of security and slack off on stretching x.x
now for my ice pack break
IV. Michael draft.
Oscar. tuck's war on nature continues, and also vyng is a hypocrite, news at 11
Fakir. he just doesn't think things through enough, lbr
living in the moment
VI. Oscar draft
VII. Shiro draft
VIII. Ruby draft
Sansa. fuck yeah dreamwalking stuff
Shiro. the black hole originally came from vyng stabbing himself in the chest :x maybe he'll think twice before doing that again
sometimes he just teeters on losing his own thread while in the middle of a winding sentence and it is frustrating for anybody listening
Nara'a. featuring some light airbending he learned at the end of
Oscar. it's a whole-ass zoo in this family
hrrf, okay, gotta make myself stretch again
I had no idea covid can just wreck your back a month after you get it, but it apparently is super-common