danie ☆
hey plurk, long time no see 💛 gonna drop some RL updates in the comments if anyone is interested. I want to try to be more active here like I used to!
latest #31
danie ☆
so, I found out I have adhd, which accounts for my endless struggles with being able to stay consistently active in rp. working on getting medicated, so hopefully it'll actually work better this time when I do finally reach that big ol medication milestone
danie ☆
I've been focusing heartily on art and I've poured so much time into it that by now it's my main interest and also a source of income! I sold at a con for the first time this summer, and I've opened a new etsy store too so that's been really fun and rewarding so far
danie ☆
I'm on a much higher dose of anxiety meds now and I am more or less functioning like a human being for the first time in my life. I had no idea how mentally ill I was back in the day, yikes! I've also been trying new therapy methods that are really helping, and everything is much more manageable.
danie ☆
I've been rping more casually than I used to, and fairly inconsistently but I've been having fun. I mostly play Adora from new She-ra and it's been almost exclusively in memes. maybe after I'm actually medicated I'll be able to be in games again but for now, I know I don't have the focus even though I really miss it. I know myself and I would crash and burn
danie ☆
Oh and of course I've been writing as always. I'm in the middle of a beast of a fanfic (already 100,000+ words) that I've been working on since last year and I'm also currently prepping for nanowrimo though also dreading it as we all do
danie ☆
anyway, that's basically everything going on with me as of late, I think? I've missed all of you and I hope I can rebuild the friendships with y'all I had back in the day. Feel free to comment here with what you've been up to! I'll try to comment on as many plurks as I can bit I'm worried about showing up and people being like "who even is this" ^^;
son boy allowed
Hey!! Good to hear from you!
son boy allowed
Right there with you on the ADHD train. I figured it out a few years ago.
son boy allowed
Also CONGRATS on selling stuff at a con! It's so much fun to work a table at those, I miss doing it since covid struck!
danie ☆
Phantastus: good to hear from you too! How have you been? Glad to know we have adhd solidarity, it makes a lot of things make sense I think! And it's cool that you've gotten to sell at cons in the past too!
danie ☆
I and I feel that! I've missed cons a lot! I still don't feel comfortable going to any bigger ones with covid and all so the one I sold at was just a small local one. I hope someday things settle down enough that you're able to table again! Do you have a shop online or anything? I'd love to snag some of your stuff
son boy allowed
God yeah adhd honestly explained everything! about my childhood lmfao. BUT yeah I hope I'm able to get back to doing them too-- unfortunately I don't have a shop yet although I REALLY should try and set one up!
son boy allowed
I've been... OKAY, for the most part, just VERY busy. But still plugging along in RP land, haha.
danie ☆
Phantastus: I feel like growing up not knowing you have adhd is basically torture and even though it's really relieving to realize you're not just Broken it's also frustrating to think how much easier school would have been if you'd just KNOWN
danie ☆
I'm glad, but I hope it's a good busy and that you aren't running yourself ragged! And I'm glad to hear you're still plugging away as always in rp land.
danie ☆
one of these days I should dust off one of my Silent Hill muses and we could do a thing. It feels like it's been forever
son boy allowed
FOR REAL, I am actually amazed that my parents never suspected, because in hindsight it's so... obvious, lmao. IM GLAD WE BOTH FOUND OUT WE WERENT BROKEN
son boy allowed
and oh I'd love that! Heather is still living it up as a pokemon trainer but honestly it's been ages since I did anything with castmates (and oh boy do I have some drama to fill you in on sometime, we had a Castmate Gone Bad situation) and your takes on SH characters were always so awesome!
danie ☆
Phantastus: I'M GLAD TOO! my first grade teacher actually recommended me for adhd testing but the doctor I went to for a recommendation said it wasn't likely because I was a girl and all kids are just Like That and so we just left. in hindsight I'm like...so mad that things could have been so much easier and it was definitely obvious for me too lol
danie ☆
I've been itching to dust off Anne for a while now. It'd be fun to get to do castmate stuff again!! I miss our threads, we had some good times. And thank you omg I love yours too. I always loved seeing how you played Heather, and James too! And you can fill me in on the drama any time honestly, I've missed news from the rp world 💛
son boy allowed
Oh my god, fuck that doctor, seriously. It really is so wild that in our generation's childhood, they just straight-up thought ADHD was exclusively a boy disorder. I'm glad things are changing but it's still ???? Like I know so many afab people who have it and either didn't find out about it until later or were never diagnosed at all.
son boy allowed
And HELLA!!! Did we ever even toss Anne and Heather (or James) together in a thread? I remember we were both in Portes (???) I think at one point, but I can't remember if that ever wound up happening. EITHER WAY I would be delighted to, I've missed playing with ya!
son boy allowed
Do you have a Discord by any chance? That's the way I've found myself communicating with people most frequently these days.
danie ☆
Phantastus: right?? I'm glad things are changing so much for the better now, it's honestly wild looking back on how things were and how much better off we'd all be if it'd been recognized as a thing that could happen to afab people sooner /: I'm still kinda nervous about trying to get meds bc my therapist agreed that it's still harder to get taken seriously
danie ☆
if you're not amab (went over the character limit oops)
danie ☆
I think we did some stuff with Heather and Anne as well as Anne and James on bakerstreet or maybe dear_mun back when that one was more of a thing. Portes never ended up panning out for me because I was going through some stuff at the time I was planning to app and so it just never ended up happening unfortunately. I wish it had though, I think route is still
danie ☆
the only game we were in together
danie ☆
and I do have discord! my handle is mirio#3823
son boy allowed
Aw man I know that feel, my prescriber is really opposed to stimulants so I haven't ever... been on them. but I kind of suspect, based on how my brain responds to coffee (HAPPILY BEING ABLE TO FOCUS ON WORK/OTHER TASKS FOR HOURS ON END where without it, it's like pulling teeth even when it's something I really like and want to do), that I need them.
son boy allowed
danie ☆
Phantastus: OH I FEEL THAT. Sometimes a cup of coffee is the only thing that makes being productive possible even when doing something fun. I hope you're able to get some stimulants at some point!
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