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spotify family patungan sebulan seorang 13 ribuan, plurk coin setaun 300 ribuan
netflix aja..itupun sharing sama teman2, pernah viu tapi aku berhentiin
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Asuransi dua, canva premium, antivirus.
Udah sih. Biar gak lupa nutupnya.
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Disney, netflix, spotify, youtube, apple music, cookpad, plurk, amazon prime,
spotify aja, netflix uda berhenti
netflix, disney, viu, spotify, youtube. njir banyak juga ya

ada juga yang dapat gratis dari kantor macam canva dan adobe.
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I have subscription to your hearth
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sama indihome
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. . .
damn i should make it less banyak yg lama ga dipake
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ga ad yg subscribe linkedin ye
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febri_chibi: kirain plurk gak ada peminatnya, ternyata ada
YouTube premium. Spotify 🥰
Spotify Premium sama Netflix
Disney+, hbo go, apple music, apple tv, icloud jg termasuk ga? Wkwkwk