I know I still need to put up a catch-all (including some druid lessons for Oscar and Ezra) but covid + sinus infection still has me feeling like hot garbage
But I want to get a September-October thing out. Maybe two September prompts (raven lessons + getting-to-know-you time) and two October ones (exercise + TDM lighthouse) to start with
Aside from that, I've been thinking...it'd be nice to figure out a way for Vyng to find the family tiara
I'm not sure if it's the kind of thing that could just wash up on shore? Or if it'd be better to wait for a good memshare event
the tiara doesn't have any magical properties or anything. It's just a wooden circlet
But I think it'd build nicely off of conversations like
this one, his efforts in reclaiming some of his roots, and him taking a more active spiritual protector/provider role in Trench as a whole
I think it makes sense for him to adopt the Illiana name as a sort of personal mantle, and as a way to honor his mother's memory
I could wait for his canon "update", but...I was kinda hoping to cap his current arc off with that, before introducing anymore complications into his life lol
If I can't have it wash up onto the beach, September's memshare prompt is an option. But it's a little tricky to do since 1) there needs to be an active threat, and 2) book memories aren't something Vyng can experience with another character (or vice versa)
I'm kinda biding my time with triggering his update, and how to narratively go about it
Buuuut I guess since the whole idea behind his update is....he came into the Waking World from season 9, but he just thinks he's from season 6, then it's not a stretch to say that the tiara very well could've ended up in the ocean as part of his "canon outfit"
Maybe somebody else finds it? or it's being displayed in the Archive, and he wants it back. or it shows up at the Black Parade somehow
(the third one would be pretty funny, actually, on a meta level)
okay, just went ahead and edited the top plurk. because this is a collaborative hobby, and it's more fun spitballing
would he react okay if it were the third option? because my vote is always comedy
Yeah, I think he'd react fine to the third option
TroubledBlues: he may unconsciously confuse himself with the fact Billie originally finds it in canon
I would say also the third one is most dramatic
like you can find anything on the beach or the caverns but the black parade is special
what if they steal it from someone at the parade?
oh a heist sounds great!!
Heist at the Black Parade would be fun!! Either that, or an NPC could send them on a fetch-quest involving one of the October prompts (from this year or last) as payment
Or even a random thing. Idk, I'm having trouble with the set-up narratively
1. They find the tiara at the Black Parade
Someone has possession of it/may be wearing it as part of their costume
3. Said someone won't give it back for X reason
4. So Vyng's fam just...pushes them over and takes it???
Or they go on a fetch-quest in exchange for the tiara
Fetch-quest in exchange for the tiara sounds delightful & depending on how absurd you want to go, chain-fetch-quest
Ooh, yeah! That could be fun too, I'm down for either!
what if they asked for a bunch of creepy shit
a lock of blonde hair. the nail clippings of a swordsman. a vial of saliva from a shop owner
they go to the network being like "please, I need this shit" and everyone's like
"wh y......."
lmao god like. people do ask for blood or try to arrange blood stuff on the network all the time tho
okay okay, this is what the list looks like so far:
1. Virgin blood
2. Sweat from a shop owner
3. Nail clippings of a swordsman
4. A braided lock of hair passed between enemies
5. Tears of a child
6. Pthumerian bone
7. True love's kiss
8. An appendix from a useless person (dead body?? a book??)
Would like to add one more thing, since nine seems like a good number
fur/feather/scale from a gentle Beast (that was not slain)
oh that's good, blood hound haircut
HMMM. Might add "spilled under moonlight" for virgin blood
. And then number 9 could be hair from a gentle Beast