2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
[covid] ...I think I need some reassurance 😑 [CN: food & weight stuff]
latest #28
Tomorrow it'll have been a week since I got sick. tbh, I shook off the worst of it faster than I expected?
but just as I was feeling better, I lost my sense of taste and now I have zero appetite
oh noooo ;-;
I made the mistake of going online to get a sense for how long it might take to get it back, and there was a lot of people who're like I HAVEN'T WANTED FOOD IN TWO YEARS
I'm just quietly sitting here like
Pen Again
2 years ago
Remember that the people who write reviews are generally the people with complaints. if you think of this as a "review" of their covid experience, the people who post most are probably the ones with the worst of it, while the people who had the tamer experiences just...don't bother posting. so it skews the sample.
Pen Again
2 years ago
it just looks like a lot because they're all grouped together
Pen Again
2 years ago
I'm not saying it's impossible, but lots of people in our office have had it and none of them have said they're not hungry anymore or no longer taste food.
Pen Again
2 years ago
Also those 2 year people...likely got it before we had vaccines, let alone boosters.
I don't have a lot to offer, but I know how it feels to not have an appetite because you can't enjoy anything fun :< and the likelihood you will have this symptom that long is noooot likely
it'll get better before you know it
penbee: Rationally, I know that. At the same time, it is very discouraging to see even people who've come down with omicron who're on month 6 with no sense of taste or appetite
I think I was hoping there might be someone on plurk who's gone through the no-taste/no-appetite gauntlet and came out on the other side fine
Pen Again
2 years ago
I can replurk. There are people on plurk who have had this. dreamcager's parents had it with the no taste thing
working lunars
2 years ago
I lost my appetite for a while but it has recovered, re: Covid
slanndalous: I've thought about you a lot during all this, tbh :-( You're right the probability is small. I think I'm just shook because I kept reading how this ISN'T really a thing people with omicron deal with??
so I'm like "but I'm already not a typical case, I don't like this!!!!"
so I, a fool, thought "well at least loss of taste isn't a thing I'll be dealing with"
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
penbee: thanks for the offer. I think I'm good without replurks. Most likely, people on my timeline at least knows somebody who's gone through this?? (such as Cager and her parents, like you mentioned)
terriblepurpose: That is very reassuring to hear! Do you recall how long it was gone for?
working lunars
2 years ago
Roughly two and a halfish weeks
working lunars
2 years ago
Long enough I was also getting a little concerned!
terriblepurpose: okay (gym) I will try not to despair yet, then!!
Thank you for sharing your experience
Clown State
2 years ago
Yeah, both my parents got it, and I don't really have much from my dad's side but my mom's is basically all cleared. The only person I know who still can't taste stuff never cares to get the shot because they don't trust it soooo
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