2 years ago
[rp] sotu I guess and just general blather
latest #26
2 years ago
stuff here is going swimmingly. I'm loving my threads, I got to get involved in a lot of character drama, I definitely have my AC for the month
2 years ago
I'm really glad I came back. I guess I just needed more time than I had given myself the previous two times. I really feel like this is sticking
2 years ago
I have several memories written up and ready to give to her, I just need an opportune time to do it
2 years ago
and I am slowly making good on my goal to expand and strengthen cr outside of castmates and team so that is good
2 years ago
I.... think I have AC for Rev? I'm not quite sure. I am trying but it's been a really awkward time to start around palaces
2 years ago
also im not sure if I'm losing threads or what
2 years ago
but I do seem to be having some difficulty getting very far with most of them this month
2 years ago
I really want to do something with Basilisk to try to build up some kind of sense of team in my head because right now I feel very much distant
I'm gonna toplevel in the basilisk post tonight if you wanted to tag me
2 years ago
if I don't end up making it to drunk cards in imeeji this weekend maybe I'll try suggesting a team post for basilisk
2 years ago
justkiddin: oh do we have one already?
2 years ago
I would very much like to thread off her yes
YE we do
i am stressed into not playing this week, but i want to keep up our threads!
also i am reasonably sure you DO have a/c
your top level alone in the director's post is a/c length
I'm really enjoying Lumine and I am simultaneously sorry and not at all sorry that Aliza is such a big problem because it's so much fun (haha) I know they promised to take memories together, Aliza is going to be a mess for a bit but she'll honor it if Lumine wants to, if you/Lumine want to go on without her she'll breathe a sigh of relief understand <3
2 years ago
justkiddin: o shi how did I miss this
2 years ago
I'm gonna tag into this stat
2 years ago
also yes when you top level her /makes grabby hands motions
2 years ago
bespeak: no worries you have had A LOT going on this week so I don't blame you, we can continue at your leisure when you're ready
2 years ago
lenainverse: she won't force aliza to take any given its been an awful week for her
2 years ago
I still need to top level into the feeding threads; she's going to bring her left over pastries from the maid live
I'm gonna toplevel after work!! I'll ping u when
Lumine is the best
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