1 years ago
latest #40
1 years ago
wish me luck, last day of this trip and I woke up bleeding from my gums in a near replay of the last time I had to be hospitalized
1 years ago
this time it stopped after a few rinses when last time it would not clot or stop (I brushed my teeth anyway after I looked in the mirror and saw it because I didn't want gross mouth, and if I'm bleeding through my skin it's not gonna matter either way) so with luck it's just a sign of a flare and that I'm not well vs me tanking and needing to go in once
1 years ago
I get home
oh jesus, i have my fingers crossed so much for you
asuka brain
1 years ago
Oof, hoping for the best
i hope it passes/improves quickly
1 years ago
yeesh, prayer circle for ur gums
give me flowers
1 years ago
wishing you lots of luck and i really hope there is no hospitalizing
euryale ☆
1 years ago
good luck, so sorry you're suffering and i hope you get better dear
give me flowers
1 years ago
wishing you all the best!!!
1 years ago
thank you guys, I think it'll be ok since it's been a few hours and hasn't come back with a vengeance (knock on wood) and I'm taking blood thinners right now for pain which could be contributing to it, so I'm at a little less worried than I was this morning
1 years ago
Oh fuck, buddy
1 years ago
And yeah blood thinners are rough and I'm so sorry you have to deal with that in your mouth
a cursed bird.
1 years ago
grasp hand
1 years ago
hope everything's ok
thirty sickos.
1 years ago
fingers crossed for safe passage and good health
1 years ago
hang in there pls!
1 years ago
god i have my fingers crossed for a safe journey and an improvement in your health and continued comfort honey
1 years ago
1 years ago
Ugh fingers crossed
creaky deer
1 years ago
Ahhh I hope it subsides and you feel better!
1 years ago
/tight hugs
1 years ago
ughhh fingers very crossed
1 years ago
let me know if you need anything when you get back ok
oh geez I hope it's sorted for you
1 years ago
Oh jeez , I hope everything is ok
1 years ago
get home safe pls
good luck and feel better!
chrysler goose
1 years ago
oh geez, fingers crossed
im so sorry honey :{ i hope your health stays calm and you are not in pain
old beer
1 years ago
oh buddy sending love and strength
1 years ago
Take all my potions of healing!
1 years ago
Aw no. :c Hope you don’t have further scares and can rest some tomorrow!
doug meat
1 years ago
blood leaking from your teeth may be taking the vampire thing a bit far
doug meat
1 years ago
hope you can get some good recovery time tonight bud
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