1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
latest #115
1 years ago
return only slightly having been delayed by one big damn scare last night that was, as it turns out, perfectly fine
a cursed bird.
1 years ago
1 years ago
oh man scares
1 years ago
I'm glad you're okay but hngh D:
1 years ago
anyway tell me what I've missed, tell me what's happened https://imgs.plurk.com/QzP/COJ/kzRLNUlRYSDhCWNxUHQb5zO1CQ3_lg.gif
creaky deer
1 years ago
no scares allowed
1 years ago
Ellie jumped in to help Kostos and Matthias scoop up Fiona, they arrived and the motion did NOT pass, so allg there
irregular solid
1 years ago
thankfully astarion already knew about mobius being a templar, just now a lot of other people know whoops
1 years ago
Both Ellie and Jude had a good react to the Templar reveal, though Ellie was pissed at him
irregular solid
1 years ago
she is also allowed to punch him if she wants
irregular solid
1 years ago
open punching season
1 years ago
Abby found out that Ellie draws her, proceeded to confront her about it, it went well??
creaky deer
1 years ago
barrow like I told you dog
1 years ago
not yet but you're not off the hook
creaky deer
1 years ago
he also is in cumberland doing templary things and grumping about it
creaky deer
1 years ago
benedict is doing bene things
creaky deer
1 years ago
I have also been dead
irregular solid
1 years ago
sylvie's gone, alexandrie is Away, mobi and loki hooked up and are still hooking up casually
1 years ago
Ellie did a vandalism with Matthias, Jude went on a mission and brought back a baby god (Clarisse, she's great, everyone should meet her) and Ellie started a band with Byerly, Tony and Bastien
1 years ago
... and Ellie kissed Derrica
a ghost
1 years ago
Viktor just got here, currently talking to tonyspark to see if he sucks or not, is both surprised and annoyed that these people haven't built a single lift in all this time
a ghost
1 years ago
i want him to build an electric guitar. he is not aware of this.
listen viktor its not our fault that we have to do plots to get lifts
a ghost
1 years ago
i brought it up and still parsed that as lifts for shoes
im not allowing tony to have those either
also welcome back let me slapfight a vampire again sometime
irregular solid
1 years ago
no lifts for tony not ever.
I once saw an mcu tony that described him as being 6 or 6'1 and I'm like what movies did you watch my friend
old beer
1 years ago
ellie actually went up to abby in front of everybody in the gallows and said "you were right and i was wrong" and then fell at her feet
old beer
1 years ago
it was wiiiild
a ghost
1 years ago
hahaha 6'1. bless.
1 years ago
1 years ago
unprotagonist oh fuck yeah nice re: Circle stuff since I was really curious to know how that actually shook out
1 years ago
but AYYY NICE JOB ON THAT SMOOCH— wait a baby, Jude, what
1 years ago
blisters: guffaws
1 years ago
Shadowesque ....oh god, what happened, did he just start confessing or did it come out in the figurative wash
1 years ago
(also fuck yes good job on also hittin it with Loki, it's the summer of love out here now I'm convinced, and I'm so for it)
irregular solid
1 years ago
who said anything about love!! that's not a word on the table! it's just casual sex with the saddest guy around nbd
irregular solid
1 years ago
also uhhhh a mage from his old circle was there at the conclave and addressed him by and instead of playing dumb about it he responded to that, just, y'know, out in the open. whoops.
irregular solid
1 years ago
*addressed him by rank
1 years ago
unprotagonist me laughing at 'I also go to college in Arizona'
1 years ago
A+ baby retrieval and better than what I was assuming
1 years ago
Shadowesque mmmmhmMm definitely not love I'm sure there's no feelings whatsoever involved in this very somber point in time
1 years ago
eolasemah woah woah woah hang on Barrow is doing Templar stuff too??
1 years ago
never thought I'd see the day
irregular solid
1 years ago
marcus interviewed/is interviewing everyone known to have strong chantry ties so basically mostly all the templars current and former and also the lady seeker. this has turned out...various results.
1 years ago
1 years ago
abyssal welcome to Thedas, Viktor
1 years ago
home of 80000 stairs (except for like, darktown ig)
1 years ago
specifically designed to cause you personal pain, sir
1 years ago
(also lmfao pls build an electric guitar, I will actually die laughing)
1 years ago
withpanache I will give you exactly 800 vampire slapfights but I'm wheezing at someone thinking Tony is even close to 6' anything
1 years ago
that's like saying Jamaica is next to the North Pole
the fact that hes a pocket superhero is deeply important to me
it is more chaotic for him to be 5'7"
1 years ago
short disasters are extremely important for the superhero ecosystem, ok
a ghost
1 years ago
moves to darktown, ah just like home
a ghost
1 years ago
except worse.
1 years ago
a ghost
1 years ago
damn right
1 years ago
blisters wait WHAT
irregular solid
1 years ago
even standing on a raised platform he still couldn't actually quite see eye to eye with strange
old beer
1 years ago
yeah she like. cried and kissed abby's biceps in penitence
old beer
1 years ago
and then everybody clapped
old beer
1 years ago
1 years ago
busts into this plurk
1 years ago
withpanache: he's just BARELY taller than Ellie and this brings me a specific joy
gwen has a boat now
old beer
1 years ago
old beer
1 years ago
nah all abby's done was help dickerson bring ellis back from the dead w blood magic
irregular solid
1 years ago
1 years ago
welcome back
1 years ago
bretons LMFAO gdi chokes actively
1 years ago
circuitry ty!! good 2 live again
1 years ago
keanuleaves Gwen like https://imgs.plurk.com/QBq/J8x/504jRPJJrIypEVSsY5VcA93qeFo_lg.jpg
1 years ago
QUE??? ??
1 years ago
it is a fully decked out luxury vessel INSIDE, she happens to like the way it looks and you're all scrubs
1 years ago
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbIqPi5VUAEZWZ0?format=jpg&name=900x900 pffft whatever, would a scrub live in Hightown Astarion asks, covered in dust and plaster
like its 90% scrubs yes
gayest uncle
1 years ago
hey hightown is full of respectable residents -wysteria lastname, from her haunted mansion
all this socializing work up in hightown has made gwen SO READY to not live there
1 years ago
me: excuse me, since when was Hightown full of ghosts and monst-
me, having just played more DAII last week: oh right yeah no, it is a hot fucking mess isn't it
1 years ago
ye olde zillow would have a goddamn time
old beer
1 years ago
yeah i'm not fucking w u this time that actually happened. ellis is fine but he did kick it for like 15 minutes
1 years ago
he definitely did it was rad
1 years ago
he got better
1 years ago
a ghost
1 years ago
big thanks to Astarion for having a posh voice so frustrating him is a palliative act
a ghost
1 years ago
even when it's accidental
1 years ago
1 years ago
that's him, always giving and exceptionally selfless
1 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/2meK3NemMnLCsqFxl6v5Pf.jpg local bat utterly unlikable in all ways, no one is shocked
1 years ago
sounds about right
1 years ago
1 years ago
92% holy shit
old beer
1 years ago
92% LMAO
gayest uncle
1 years ago
real lol
a ghost
1 years ago
1 years ago
(hilariously these scores tank if he actually likes you, but that's a selective choice on his part; gotta earn that defanged nature, it's not 4 free)
1 years ago
must meet a threshold for how much he likes you in order to NOT be a rabid sewer rat
1 years ago
1 years ago
(also I took the quiz for myself for kicks and I barely exist which tbh feels right)
1 years ago
1 years ago
big shrug energy
1 years ago
I think that the sweetest people play the worst characters to be fair
1 years ago
irregular solid
1 years ago
all that rage and fucked up ness that lives deep in our hearts has to go some where
1 years ago
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