2 years ago
Username Meanings for muses
latest #24
2 years ago
I remember a great many of the muses I've had, but I'm spacing on
2 years ago
- okay interrupting myself because on a lark I did a search on LIVEJOURNAL for the oldest (and also very obscure) muse I remember, and I found my account
2 years ago
Veronica Loughran from CLERKS. I also had Becky Scott from CLERKS 2 but that username was boring and the account's gone anyway. Kinda shows how my username tastes have changed. I'm surprised the Becky acct got purged but Veronica is still kicking. Wow
2 years ago
Tina Cohen-Chang (GLEE) was morbidbubbles. Based on the "Theatricality" episode: the normally goth teen girl is forced to change her style and it turns into one of Mr. Schue's improvised themes for the week and they do Lady Gaga covers
2 years ago
I think I originally wanted effervescentgoth but LJ had a character limit
2 years ago
"I love wearing champagne bubbles — I get to express a whole different side of myself. Because even though I'm painfully shy and obsessed with death, I'm a really effervescent person."
2 years ago
Just...how beautiful is that? I felt like that was the building block of my Tina muse, and I will spare you a recap (Gleecap? Oops) of how that series went on to do that character dirty
2 years ago
River Song: riverborntorun
Molly Hooper: (we)alldosillyth(i)ngs
2 years ago
I always get the Bruce Springsteen song stuck in my head. I'm positive that "A Good Man Goes to War" was the final catalyst before I made the account so I surely had that on the brain. I liked the wordplay of a running river and a running River Song. And then the wordplay of where that name came from because "The only water in the forest is the river."
2 years ago
(...goddamn i was really hot to trot. I made my first River on 5 June 2011. AGMGTW aired the day before)
2 years ago
But contrary to most of my muse names, that one wasn't so much of a direct quote. River's complicated. Confident, intelligent, flirty, snarky, mysterious. HAIR FULL OF SECRETS
2 years ago
2 years ago
Molly's comes from her quote in "A Scandal in Belgravia".
2 years ago
LJ and its character limit I am THRILLED to be done with. I damn near lost my mind when I came to Dreamwidth and saw all these one word usernames and then saw the huge character limit.
2 years ago
Molly asks Sherlock a question, which he rather evades by asking a question in return: 'why would you think she's my girlfriend when i'm trying to break into her phone?'
2 years ago
Molly's answer, with the most beautiful smile and an innocent giggle, says "well, we all do silly things."
2 years ago
2 years ago
I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THAT LINE. How that scene captures Molly as a person.
2 years ago
Princess Abigail/Kathryn Nolan (Once Upon a Time) - untilmylipsbled
2 years ago
Again, direct quote from the character. For context, Abigail is the daughter of King Midas. She was in love with a man named Frederick who loyally served her father. In the course of his duties in protecting the man, Frederick was accidentally turned to gold from the touch of Midas.
2 years ago
True Love's Kiss is known to break all curses, and one of the 'main' cast asks if she tried that when they learn of her story
2 years ago
Abigail tried TLK again and again until her lips bled.
2 years ago
Fiercely determined but never giving up hope.
2 years ago
Lastly, The Red Queen/Anastasia from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. loveisnotenough
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