Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies
Approaches to Stress Reduction
Problem Solving for Situational Demands
Attention Deployment (Distraction)
(不太確定跟「抑制和迴避」的差別 還是只是範圍差距)
Acceptance跟Mindfulness 是不是也是類似的啊(茫然
冥想技術在 1970 年代作為一種壓力管理而普及(一種與壓力反應相斥的低喚醒狀態)
個人感覺 技巧好像是用冥想跟呼吸訓練為大宗(???)
Desensitization and Covert Rehearsal
Ongoing Collaborative Assessment in CASMT
CASMT 中的持續協作評估
covert rehearsal (CR) or induced affect (IA)
Who Is an Appropriate Client for CASMT?
increased emphasis on the construct of neuroticism in relation to problems involving NA
who are reacting to high levels of life stress with distress, anxiety, and anger responses. The cognition–arousal relations in these emotions are well suited to the emotion regulation skills in CASMT.
Training Objectives
1. Use a stressful incident to help the client “discover” the underlying
model of stress.
2. Explain the rationale for the training program.
3. Seek client buy-in and commitment.
4. Present the “personal scientist” concept.
5. Introduce the client to relaxation training.
6. Explain and obtain commitment to out-of-session exercises.
Session Outline
• Welcome and orientation to CASMT
• 壓力的定義:情境、反應和交易:檢查壓力事件
• 展示壓力模型
• 減輕壓力的方法
• 計劃的描述和理由
• 呼吸和軀體放鬆訓練
• 結束課程 1:家庭作業和講義
The goal is not to eliminate stress from your life. That’s not possible. Instead, the goal is to help you become more resilient in the face of stress.
• How did the person react emotionally? What was the emotion?
• What was the physical reaction?
• What were the person’s thoughts when the event occurred?
• How did the person cope with the situation
Ways to Reduce Stress
four elements :situation, appraisal, emotional response, behavior