是說不少同人都有寫雷酷同居主題,我每次讀到,腦袋想像的畫面都是同一棟房子XD 是城市邊緣的小別墅,有很多原木裝潢,仔細想想應該受到美劇不少影響,尤其是Grace and Frankie(Sol的家)和不才專家第三季裡面的建築,實在太喜歡有生活感、充滿紀念意義的房子了 每次聯想到那棟想像中的房子,就會想到不同大大所描寫的雷酷同居日常,彷彿他們真的有在那邊生活一樣,我的腦子也是很會腦補⋯⋯
Chapter 28 “I don’t know. It’s not a lot of work, really. It makes me feel closer to everyone. It’s something related to all of you, so it’s like getting to know you all better even when we’re apart and I don’t have time to talk to anyone.” 最後一章,作者幫酷拉做的這個設定也太可愛,即使分開了也因為閱讀而拉近跟夥伴的距離,既理智又浪漫(?)
“You’re a Hunter. You said it yourself,” said Kurapika. He stepped out of reach, continuing on ahead and calling over his shoulder, “Hunt me down if you need me.”