Harry is
15 years ago
reading dracula: it turns out that victorian books other that Great Expectations are really really good
latest #52
Harry says
15 years ago
better than the crap teenage literature that todays youth is stuffing they're brains with and saying they like to read
George says
15 years ago
i liked dracula
Keegan says
15 years ago
Keegan says
15 years ago
great expectations is a master piece
Harry says
15 years ago
yes well we've been through this
Keegan says
15 years ago
and if you are referring to twilight
Keegan says
15 years ago
i agree with you
Keegan says
15 years ago
but not all young adult lit is crap
Keegan says
15 years ago
also in the category of crap
Harry says
15 years ago
when you're forced to do something it is less enjoyable (although some people manage to escape that)
Harry says
15 years ago
people read these annoying trying to be deep and meaningful *cough cough* and these fluff books without meaning
Keegan says
15 years ago
or... we could just have different opinions
Harry says
15 years ago
there needs to be and equalibrium(sp?) of fiction and literature that has a good plot energizing themes something that makes you think(cont)
Harry says
15 years ago
or contemplate that is still a good read
Keegan says
15 years ago
who is the *cough cough* towards?
Harry says
15 years ago
Harry says
15 years ago
not an insult
Harry says
15 years ago
just an observation
Keegan says
15 years ago
Harry says
15 years ago
because i remember you said that you didn't like the arabian nights excerpt
Harry says
15 years ago
and i asked "why not cuz it's not all deep and meaningful"
Harry says
15 years ago
and you said "yeah pretty much"
Keegan says
15 years ago
and i said because i just dont like stories about things that can't happen
Harry says
15 years ago
I remember
Harry says
15 years ago
oh yeah that too
Keegan says
15 years ago
i dont see how you got fluff out of that
Harry says
15 years ago
no the fluff isn't towards you
Harry says
15 years ago
its to all the books that have "lost love" "death on passion row" or whateveer
Keegan says
15 years ago
so the books i read are annoying to you?
Keegan says
15 years ago
thats fine
Keegan says
15 years ago
but a lot of the books i read you havent read yet
Keegan says
15 years ago
and vice versa
Harry says
15 years ago
no they don't annoy me
Keegan says
15 years ago
well that's sort of what you said
George says
15 years ago
on the subject of fluff...
George says
15 years ago
cotton candy is AMAZING
Harry says
15 years ago
Harry says
15 years ago
its so unnatural though
Camillo says
15 years ago
have you ever had cotton candy ice cream?
Camillo says
15 years ago
don't try it.
Camillo says
15 years ago
it's gross.
Harry says
15 years ago
George says
15 years ago
it sounds disgusting
George says
15 years ago
whats even worse is the packaged cotton candy
Harry says
15 years ago
oh yah hahah ewww
George says
15 years ago
its like cotton candy soaked in preservatives
Harry says
15 years ago
what about the cotton candy that turns into bubblegum
Camillo says
15 years ago
haha what?
Camillo says
15 years ago
sounds gross
Harry says
15 years ago
air heads cotton candy bubble gum
George says
15 years ago
ive never heard of it
Harry says
15 years ago
its weird
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