2 years ago
So pretty sure the last time I shared photos of Tia she was a bb kitten since I haven't been on here in forever. But heres her cuteness 4 year old self muh bb girl https://images.plurk.com/4TzYSdwUWIrX9kQZAGpoJ5.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5cBUw7IsDMxEns399sgZRR.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1fqqotMZ6s6A0in9mHz6pc.jpg
2 years ago
aka shes really a rabbit and a dog js LOL
Nativity 🌈
2 years ago
Oh, she's GORGEOUS!
Nativity 🌈
2 years ago
That's a belleh made for snorgling...
2 years ago
Cyberpink: she loves her belly being rubbed :-D