2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Well shit. I made it through the entire pandemic up to this point. I've had two vaccines and a booster, I still wear a mask in crowds/stores (not that I go into crowds aside from stores to get groceries) and I just got back a test my doc made me take because I had a sinus infection (I thought) and here I am... positive for COVID-19. Delightful. Irate now.
latest #13
2 years ago
oof D: i hope it is mild
2 years ago
It still just feels like a sinus infection with runny nose and slightly scratchy throat now. Vaccines helped, I figure.
2 years ago
Can't figure out what I could have done to not have it aside from the mask and such I've been doing since the pandemic began.
2 years ago
Feel better soon. Right now, I know more people sick with covid than at any time during the pandemic
2 years ago
2 years ago
Feel like I massively fucked up somewhere.
2 years ago
the masks were never to protect us, they were to protect others from us, so more than likely you just came in contact with someone who wasn't being cautious
2 years ago
If I ever know who, I'm slapping them into orbit.
2 years ago
not a fuck up on your part, just an unfortunate eventuality
2 years ago
honestly you did the best you could, and now you know you are positive so you will stop the infection chain. You sound like you were being super cautious and you will probably never know how you caught it.
2 years ago
these new variants are super infectious too
potato boyo
2 years ago
ugh I am so sorry
Lucy Stephanie
2 years ago
Awww sorry to hear that. Hope u get well soon.
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