This arrived just in tine how.
Guess gif still kinda take care of me the rng damn
latest #8
掰噗~ says
2 years ago
秒秒也躺地上slap myself to not be a pussy
其實我看了還是不明白,it didn’t convince my heart
MAYBE maybe this is just for making ppl to do stuff
Not for ppl that want a way out stop feeling like an unachived piece of shit and will never ease u guilt of not being good enough
So it didn’t helps me bc i often get things done anyway but it changes nth abt me HATE myself for being incapable and I m so incalsodoxndksksnjddjkd
然後最沒效率的事就是我這個想法因為為自己沒效率而難過會降低效率所以我就是沒效率incapable oh god my head hurts literally
I thought this is an encouraging moment but guess not
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