things got pretty bad
I can’t this is too real hit too close
I am glad that we still hv him
I am really really glad THANK YOU
latest #7
掰噗~ says
2 years ago
Jeez.這個影片⋯⋯看完腦袋滿滿的maybe he save his life and also save mine 但最優質的情緒是他還在太好了
I need to take breaks watching this vid bc it also triggers me jeez(
Just say if anyone out there like ANY SORT of content creator especially those doing daily/ weekly content, just know behind all the characters they play online there’s a real human there and human is weak ass depressed creature so
突然明白了trigger warning原來是這樣的確是有需要
Oh my headache cold feet itt is coming Omg I forgot
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