2 years ago
It’s been a month since my last update.
Everything’s been good ever since I guess.
latest #24
2 years ago
Like I said before, I want to make this place not only as a record for my negativity, but also a place to note down all the little things worth being grateful for.
2 years ago
As per my last entry... problem solved:-) and yea we made it official.
2 years ago
I used to be very insecure if the other person is not texting me back like immediately. I’d be paranoid and start overthinking. But now I understand that that’s the personal space we should give to each other. The other person is not intentionally ignoring you
2 years ago
Imagine when you’re hanging out with fds and your fds keep staring at their phones, you’d feel being disrespected. If we are constantly on our phone we are not enjoying the moment. Such a waste.
2 years ago
Anyway, I want to note down all the little things he’s done that made me feel loved.
He called me almost every day since I was hospitalised and that lasted for almost a month until I felt better and he could almost visit once a week.
2 years ago
He would wake up earlier and get me bubble tea and lunch during weekend.
2 years ago
Since I’m pretty disabled now, it’s hard to carry my phone around the house when my hands are holding my crutches. So I mentioned once in our call casually saying it’s convenient to have a phone strap. And one day he bought the strap and went all the way to my home and dropped it to my mailbox.
2 years ago
I went out for concert and he just came and took me home.
2 years ago
He remembered I told him I like the shark toy from ikea (which I totally forgot I’ve mentioned before) and then he said he’ll see if there’s any stock left when he’s free.
2 years ago
He would whine about his job, mention all the little things in his day to day life, tell me where he’s going or what did he do
2 years ago
Who will share these things if it isn’t love?
2 years ago
But I’m not only grateful because of what he did. Last year, I was lost and in doubt. I didn’t where i was heading to... actually I didn’t really know who I was and I was always in the vicious cycle of self-loathing. I felt like I didn’t deserve love, and I hated myself for ruining everything.
2 years ago
After meeting him, I found something valuable... something worth putting effort to protect and grow together. Because I don’t want to mess up anymore, I started to reflect on myself, and how to look at life and people around me.
2 years ago
When we meet someone for a long time, like childhood friends, family or partner, we tend to take things for granted. Then we start wanting more and never satisfied. Or we’ll start comparing things one another. And we may want to ‘change’ the other person to fit in our idea of perfect partner.
2 years ago
I think that’s why relationships- not only the romantic one, but also friendship, fails.
2 years ago
Before we met, we’ve already had our way of living, and our own past. Despite of what magazines or social media tell you what a good fd/ bf should be, there’s no ‘should be’.
2 years ago
NOTHING, I say NOTHING, is supposed to be done. Every action they make is the extra effort they are willing to pay for their love for you. It’s not illegal if they don’t buy you flowers or fancy restaurants. It’s not against the bible or whatnot if they don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day or whatever festivals with you.
2 years ago
And I do realize maybe it’s a cultural thing? I don’t see people saying thank yous or complimenting each other a lot. But a hug, a thank you, a simple gesture or ‘I love you’, means a lot. Life is tough and tiring and I want to give the people I love a bit of sweetness.
2 years ago
There’re few lessons I learnt, and I wanna practice.
2 years ago
First, always be grateful. For all my friends, for how they stayed with me when I was down, depressed because of break-ups. How they wiped my tears and loved me when I felt unlovable.
2 years ago
Second, be generous to people you love. Not materially, but mentally(?)
Tell them you love them, and you thank them for doing different things, complimenting for their achievements and encouraging them.
2 years ago
Third, learn to process your own negativity. No matter how close that person with you... no one should be your emotional dumpster. It’s our own responsibility to understand our own emotion and process it, not to add burden to our loved one.
2 years ago
I feel like I know myself better, moreover know who I want to become better. Confident, caring, mature, is someone I want to become.
I think that’s the positive effect of knowing him.
2 years ago
There’s no guarantee, if it’s gonna last. You know that old saying, nothing last forever... or change is the only constant.
I just hope there won’t be any regret, for all the time we spend together.
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