2 years ago
[venting, I started a new type of Adderall this week so I am emotional and being stupid, probably gonna delete later. ]
latest #37
2 years ago
when you just lay in bed, eat chocolate and cry
2 years ago
I'm so tired
2 years ago
tired of doing everything, or being expected to do everything
2 years ago
and when I communicate it's not taken seriously
2 years ago
then this happens
2 years ago
then I'm okay cause I've cried it out
2 years ago
I have to take over this volunteer thing becausethe lady who is doing it is having surgery so I said I would
2 years ago
I am trying to plan my step dad's 50th birthday party and my brother is making me plan his birthday
2 years ago
my house is a mess
2 years ago
I just want to work without getting overwhelmed or feel miserable
2 years ago
stupid taxes aren't coming in for another 16 weeks, they don't know when they are going to make a decision on Skyler's SSDI APPEAL
2 years ago
I can't miss work but I keep having panic attacks or feeling miserable because I'm so tired of taking inbound calls
2 years ago
I was going to try to take some coder courses so I could become a medical coder/biller and then be guaranteed to find a job
2 years ago
but that costs money
2 years ago
I'm getting self conscious and stupidly upset about stuff that is pointless to get upset about
that's a lot to take over, so it makes sense you're overloaded ;;
2 years ago
I'm tired because I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I'm stressed and my medicine had to be changed because it wasn't working as well, which also added into the lack of sleep
i hope this new one works
2 years ago
thank you
2 years ago
I'm just emotional and exhausted
2 years ago
oh and I have a GI bleed
2 years ago
which is just great
oh no ;;
2 years ago
I feel like when I ask for help there's no reason for me to. I also and either appointments get cancelled, that's not the right person talk to, it's delayed because we're still in a pandemic, I don't qualify
2 years ago
or "That'll be 200 hundred dollars"
That’s ridiculous what the fuck
2 years ago
so I just go "why do I bother."
2 years ago
the problem with your love language being acts of service is that you want people to help or notice and they don't without you communicating (people can't read minds) but then when you do communicate and it's just thrown back in your face, you just....stop communicating
2 years ago
the problem with being ADHD is people have told you your whole life to stop being so ADHD, so you don't have confidence and you don't speak up because you feel like you're always the problem
2 years ago
again, I started this new dose and I just need to vent and be weepy
siwas ✨
2 years ago
all of your feelings are very valid, and venting can be healthy. be as weepy as you want to be and we're still here for you
2 years ago
thank you ;;
2 years ago
and thank you trevenant:
You’re completely valid and it’s ok, you can’t have everything bottled up
2 years ago
I do feel a little better venting
2 years ago
and it's not that I don't have help! some good things have happened but I'm still overwhelmed and tired
2 years ago
Definitely understandable being overwhelmed with all of that, glad you've at least let it out and vented a bit. I really hope things pick up somehow, I'm so sorry it's been like this. hugs tight Here if you need anything.
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