2 years ago
(hair) So. Good news bad news. My hair is as soft as a baby's butt. Smooth and soft and somehow healthy. I have professional grade shampoo, conditioner, hair oil, and a hair mask to do in place of conditioner once a week.

bad news? $225 now, and another ~$200 to fix the color to what I want. And that appointment isn't til next week.
2 years ago
On the plus side, I liked her a lot. Small salon, one lady, one chair, etc. She showed me pictures of home bleach mishaps she's fixed, and they turned out amazing. I trust her.
2 years ago
Other plus? She did my eyebrows while I was waiting for the treatment to work. Not sure how I feel though.
2 years ago
Dangerous Chair
2 years ago
i am super hype that she was able to fix it up!
2 years ago
Told ya. Cute. 😉