how is my Wee this morning?
sleeeeepy, how is my Terrier? <3
I figured there was quite a list ^^
unclear if was gone for some time, or just got out of sight
I think they have things cleared up now, but I've made sure she knows where to find us.
excellent. one just never knows with hoomins
"Hallo fren! You are soft. @,@"
you'd think we'd have gotten that wordle sooner
zomsquee, it's a batty baff!
Yes, of course, right away! replicates
now you smell (more) like berries <3
Oh goodie, the PO needs a new roof. And window screens. And steeple. (Yes, it has a steeple. No, I don’t know why.)
All covered by insurance because it’s storm damage. Still that means paperwork.
nuuuuuuu paperwork for puppy v.v
that is a lot of damage O.o
this potoroo is here to offer support
how doin? re-brushes tail
I got distracted and am going to be quite late for my nap today o.o
we have some very important zooborns <3
@,@ baby muppets I love them snuggles all the pengies!
oh boy we're really in Florida now o.o
sure didn't! still, resting time is helpful.
We’re okies. Am wrapped up getting warm, trying not to sleep again. >.>
oops there's a penguin under your head
it is Monday. and yet the wookiee is already online?
bowling on summer break >.<