Cobo Service
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
INTEREST CHECK for Online Dragons Game, an invite-only DWRP set in the world of Elrios!
EDIT: Test Drive Meme #0 is now open! All are welcome to check out the TDM!
latest #182
Cobo Service
2 years ago
Navigation (still a WIP)
Cobo Service
2 years ago
TL;DR high fantasy with lots of spatiotemporal bullshit going on. we are allowing EVERYTHING, including whatever ridiculous AUs you can come up with. low/none AC, light plot, quests will be a thing, you can learn magic if you want, etc.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
hi im lavvy and this is my game pls tell me what u think so far
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i feel like i blacked out two days ago and woke up to a half-finished game so yeah
stardust ✨
2 years ago
also wolfchan and ellipsesinaction are helping and have cool friends so if u are their friend or one of my friends you are invited by default
2 years ago
blacked out and suddenly a game exists sure is a modding experience
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
tbf i came up with the premise like half a year ago but i didnt do anything with it for that entire time
yell at me if u need me to play any canon chars/NPCs I'll give people quests
stardust ✨
2 years ago
also yeah u can replurk, its still invite only but lbr im gonna be lax with letting people in as long as theyre not jerks so like if someone wanders into this plurk several friends removed and wants to join im gonna hear u out anyway, pls just ask
stardust ✨
2 years ago
"invite only" is just my way of saying im gonna reject known assholes and people who have personally slighted me and id feel bad if it was supposed to be a public game. no remorse.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
points at wolfie threateningly like you WILL play half the el masters for me
stardust ✨
2 years ago
anyway im gonna go eat something and then maybe throw together this pre-game tdm, who wants to float in the voids
stardust ✨
2 years ago
we must embrace the time cube
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
denif: i escaped being stuck in a dwrp, what a relief
add, kicking down the door: hey so i accidentally turned our canon into a dwrp--
stardust ✨
2 years ago
just kidding, add will never own up to his mistakes
denif voice: another excitable day, it seems
maybe this tiny dragon will stop clawing at the edges of my brain now
help i've been voluntold
stardust ✨
2 years ago
pulls a bag over mauyn's head, haha what a joker it's fine they love being here
yeah they're going to become one with braincellsword now
2 years ago
2 years ago
I bounced off the actual game a while back but mmmmmmmaybe????
2 years ago
and by a while i mean like. years and years ago. you know. i think they hadn't even added rose yet
stardust ✨
2 years ago
you say that like ive been seriously playing this game all that time myself, looks up
stardust ✨
2 years ago
im just here for the Lore now
I only came back hardcore a couple years ago and it Got Worse when Noah came out, now all I play is Noah SOS
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i think wolfie is actually way ahead of me now contentwise im just way too fucking lazy to even do the jump events
stardust ✨
2 years ago
sidenote PLEASE do not actually play elsword online
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i hate this game (affectionate)(derogatory)
I wouldn't say way ahead, I still haven't done much of pruinaum bc I'm too much of a coward to go walk into the raids
2 years ago
you know, fair. getting away from the actual grindhell that is actually playing elsword online was a good decision.
2 years ago
for both of us.
i logged in a few months ago to get a celestia to 99 in the span of a day, does that count (no)
(because noah doesn't interact with any of the lore pre-- some region so it doesn't even count as a refresher)
takes a shot. looks at how I only have 12 characters left to level to 99 before I complete the book.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
oh my god
yeah it's me I have the problem.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
prays for u
meanwhile, me, from back in the day when you could only have 3/4 characters per account
stardust ✨
2 years ago
y'all need jesus
with 3 accounts to hold my characters
"oh NOW they make a book to reward alts :/"
stardust ✨
2 years ago
except u already have genesis so
holds up Genesis
sweetheart 💕
2 years ago
Lavvy if I have Genesis masterclassed, am I the Jesus that we all need? is that how that works
stardust ✨
2 years ago
yeah i guess so
cool. stop needing me
i'm a bad religious figure
stardust ✨
2 years ago
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
/peeks in/ welp, you grabbed my attention
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i think i have ... RS/LK/IS/BM/RF/VC... CEs/CS/Anemos/NW/OS/DC/Cent/SD/Asura/YR... not-Minerva ... DE, MM/Catastrophe/and now Celestia all accounted for but are they on the same account?
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
then again, the instant I realized this was elsword, I was doomed
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
(also hiii lavvy good to see you're still doing well, old friend)
stardust ✨
2 years ago
also i just want everyone to know i spent way too much time making pretty code im proud of it ok. i want my game to be cute. i will dispense lore and quests with STYLE
stardust ✨
2 years ago
also yesssssssss it is good to see u!!!
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
still on that good elsword bs, I see
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
good, good
stardust ✨
2 years ago
when will i ever escape it, probably never
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
we never escape it
stardust ✨
2 years ago
sometimes i still think about how i literally apped add as a joke and that very instance of add was an active character of mine for like 5 years across two games
stardust ✨
2 years ago
a very funny joke, wish i knew it was on me
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
good job, lavvy
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
you played yourself
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
and now i can say its.... 3 games!! he has ascended to NPC status
everyone point and laugh at lavvy who i would've never met if i didn't happen to be playing noah in a game at the time
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
I'm def gonna keep an eye on this, consider my interest absurdly piqued. (psst would it be alright if I gently nudged over a friend req?)
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
(to lavvy I mean)
stardust ✨
2 years ago
not if i beat u to it
stardust ✨
2 years ago
Fiery Grump
2 years ago
damn, I was bamboozled. kerfluffled. completely blindsided.
2 years ago hey lavvy what's the truth
2 years ago
every elsword player i've ever met: love yourself and don't play elsword
stardust ✨
2 years ago
ariel is capitalist scum dont believe her lies
stardust ✨
2 years ago
anyway i rly am gonna eat now but i just realized i made a terrible mistake and forgot to mention dachsologie. u can adopt a cute pet, wolfie pls post pics of dachie
stardust ✨
2 years ago
when we unlock training w\ the masters and no one wants to do it until someone lets slip "you get a cute pet for it"
2 years ago
oh yep that's a cute he comes in goth there are things that aren't dachsologie i guess
i realised that image is just of alisha's ass hold on
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i love sleepy deer so much sighs
stardust ✨
2 years ago
peak character design
serne is so good just let serne nap
stardust ✨
2 years ago
pizza is cooking... dw guys i updated it, we have dachie now
This sounds lovely.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
me remembering that the artifact pets dont even do anything they just kinda follow you around and say stuff sometimes. theyre doing their best.
i maintain people are allowed to give them personalities like how ain's is a goblin and pilfers food
stardust ✨
2 years ago
oh absolutely
KoG didn't do anything w/ them so I'm doing things with them because fuck da police.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i also think its hilarious how we have artifact pets that follow you around and also a completely different, completely unrelated pet system, and those pets ALSO follow you around and talk but can actually attack stuff
stardust ✨
2 years ago
why did this need to be two different systems
people like animals
it's always really funny when I'm trying to solo MR hellmodes and my dachie just follows me around uselessly while my other pet actually does stuff.
People really like pets. /eyes FFXIV
stardust ✨
2 years ago
thats fair, lets never talk about the "pet" thats actually a full-sized anime girl
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
dachie is emotional support
stardust ✨
2 years ago
excuse me sir thats my emotional support owldog
holds dachie like a baby also he fits in a cup
I've been looking for a game to play my Star Wars OC, Arha, in and this sounds like it might be a great place to do so, if that's okay. I'd love an invite.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
lightbirbs: i dont see any mutuals, but youre welcome to pop in for the TDM and we'll see how it goes!
2 years ago
I'm still very much interested!
Sure! I found it through a replurk.
I'll deffo look out for the TDM. :-D
TheCG: points at my eyes points at you
stardust ✨
2 years ago
no worries re: finding it through replurks!! i think how ill do it is just make TDMs open to all and that way invites can still mean something, but fr im not planning to be super picky with ppl as long as everyone is having fun
stardust ✨
2 years ago
and also im glad theres interest! i just wanna run a chill game and i hope ppl enjoy it
Yeah, I know that feeling. I'm sure it'll be great and fun for all.
2 years ago
Oh, cool to see a game that's AU-friendly. I feel like there's not a lot of those these days.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
yeah, i get why that is but also if im vetting people in advance i might as well let them bring whatever
Cobo Service
2 years ago
Test Drive Meme #0 is up! when the motivation hits it goes hard, man
Cobo Service
2 years ago
Edited it into the top as well, but anyone is welcome to comment on the TDM!
lavvy, my braincellsword buddy, you may want to make a separate plurk to account for folks who have this one muted (also so that I can replurk the TDM)
Cobo Service
2 years ago
I JUST MADE THIS PLURK TODAY i dont wanna spam people cries into hands
that's fair i love you
Cobo Service
2 years ago
ill make a separate plurk in a couple days maybe how about that. maybe when EMP comes around.
stardust ✨
2 years ago
sheds ariel's skin, anyway
apple lover
2 years ago
Love the arrangement of the tdm info and NPC talk!
stardust ✨
2 years ago
thank you!!! i spent way too much time on it lmao
2 years ago
Nice to see a game that allows fan AUs TBH, good luck!
2 years ago
am i really gonna go back to elsword in the year of our lord 2022
2 years ago
you know i've aged when it took me like 5 seconds to recognize where elrios came from
me who's obviously still playing this hell game like: maybe you will. and we would support you if you did
2 years ago
lmao I personally could argue that you never actually left.
2 years ago
that's true ain is forever
you're DAMN RIGHT he is
2 years ago
maybe i'll give this a try
2 years ago
either with ain or with some arknights guy
2 years ago
...oh these text boxes are not playing nice with my theme
stardust ✨
2 years ago
rip.... well i tried to make sure it looked ok on the default theme and on mobile, how bad is it?
stardust ✨
2 years ago
ALSO i am gonna tag out later tonight after ive eaten something so!!!
how I was just about to say that
2 years ago pretty bad
hey braincellsword what's goin on
2 years ago
to be far, this journal is not using the default theme
stardust ✨
2 years ago
oh i can fix that
stardust ✨
2 years ago
stardust ✨
2 years ago
ok try it now
stardust ✨
2 years ago
i think i put in the right code bit...
2 years ago
oh that's much better, thank
stardust ✨
2 years ago
I'm glad one of us here knows how to code
2 years ago
anyway here's someone else, from a korean game that's not an exploitative hellgrind
points at my eyes points at you, comin for you
2 years ago
lmao Nisha making Rae think about it too much, that sure could have been disastrous
stardust ✨
2 years ago
she's helping!!!!
MNK Zoomies
2 years ago
tentatively leaves this here..... I have no idea what I am doing
MNK Zoomies
2 years ago
other top levels might come too
stardust ✨
2 years ago
grabby hands.......... i finally have a day off again so i WILL get back on this
MNK Zoomies
2 years ago
points at my eyes points at you i'm running directly at you
MNK Zoomies
2 years ago
I'm in danger
MNK Zoomies
2 years ago
I haven't forgotten, though I been feeling like garbage since yesterday so replies might be delayed a bit longer til I recover
shhhhh you're ok!!!!!
i am also... not in town so I'm kind of sparse sometimes haha, promise you we're not going anywhere tho okay
I hope your recovery is swift!!
stardust ✨
2 years ago
unfortunately relatable
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