I want to slowly work my way back into rp but it has been so long and I am so rusty and so busy. /lies on side does anyone want to stupid slow psl with me? when I get home tomorrow after my stream I’ll prob do a new muse list since. So many are dormant now
latest #26
Stab or swallow
2 years ago
depends on fandom/characters/but i can try
2 years ago
yes whomst indeed
Tomorrow will be how I go through my actives xD and not til later-ish sadly because yay work til 5. Long day. Very long day.
Once I’m done binging mha a rewatch of untamed will prob be my next step unless shield hero grabs me lucyplays xD
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Everyone is now aware of my beautiful glorious return \o/
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
//chomps at bit for muse list to figure out who to toss at whom//
I can promise some that ARE forever awake are still awake. Donna Noble, Wen Qing though rusty a bit, Cox, Maya, and a few OCs xD those are off the top of my head anyway lmfao
2 years ago
I need to actually work through my muses when I have the time. Which. Won’t be til tomorrow really.
2 years ago
I could fling JC at you? XD
Yiling Laozu
2 years ago
2 years ago
Yiling Laozu
2 years ago
2 years ago
I am of course always tempted to do Eleven+Donna things even if I don't have any great ideas off the top of my head orz
I’ve gotten so used to discord I’ve been in the habit of emote reacting lmfao 11 Donna always up for that in any way shape or form <3
I’ve had My Hero Academia muses moving in and settling in something fierce right now xD
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