As an update on the Mel: I have been working and streaming \o/ So much. Of both. Things are beginning to settle down and now I am watching My Hero Academia because suggestions to me
Episode 69 right now! Loving it so much and wanting to make journals I wanna use but know I barely will. Especially Amajiki.
Oh nooooo too many options xD The Big 3 in general have my heart, Bakugo, Shinsou even though I've only seen him like twice, Twice villain wise, for sure
I'm torn on all of themmmmm
Wait till you get to the 80s and the adults start playing a bigger role
....I'm one of the people who apparently latches onto the characters people hate a lot so....
Ffff awww I mean I don't really HATE any characters. Sigh when some are on screen or come damned near close but not hate xD
Honestly, Endeavor's arc really interests me. It picks up in the 80s and he gets more screentime so you actually get to see how he works and thinks and he's /trying/ really hard
But flawed and not evil is a good thing. He feels more real than All Might tbh, at least to me
Endeavor's a character I do actually like as well xD Not like topping any personal charts or anything, but still. I prefer his sons character wise for sure. I have spoilers for at least some bigger points, so yeah.
oh good, feel free to yell at me about him anytime. Actually there's a Tiktok Endeavor cosplayer I follow who's great as well
for the younger crew, Froppy is best girl, I will accept no arguments XD
..except maybe Eri but that's it
xD Eri is allowed to be the exception. Froppy is def best girl otherwise though yes
And the boys are just idiot!brigade
....except the one who just needs to fuck off and die