but what if I tell you what an incredible inspiration to my art you've been? Not just like yes your art is good but how you talked about your development and all the things that helped you along your way, it showed me how much you can approach art from new things. thanks for being such an amazing friend over the years and being in my life as I just perch
what i love about YOU is that you write the worst boys and then are yourself the best human??? you're friendly and engaging and kind, you make time for people and share your warmth, your comedic chops are impeccable and extremely well-balanced in your writing with the serious, its frankly irritating and you should be slightly less good.
you really Show Up for the stuff u do, and i like writing with you a lot so we should do it more.
points directly at you from afar; first off YOU'RE BREAKING THE RULES you criminal this is supposed to be where I shake out my affection like a wet rag, but I'll allow it this time because
I mean obviously I've known you for forever now, holy shit we go so far back that I feel instantly old but also deeply loved for having you around. we've done so much that I have soft spots for across the years and so many interests, but the thing I'll always remember most is like the 378373638 nights (and days) we'd stay up
just smashing bricks in Minecraft or creativerse chatting about literally nothing
doubly so for all those times we called each other crying and then went to go smack around some stupid blocks and talk about literally nothing aside from the giant unicorn made out of cotton with an upstairs apartment in its stomach and a waterslide
and don't think I wasn't spying on your Gilia threads even if I wasn't in your game, because getting to sneak peeks at how you brought this faerie of a lady to life fascinated me to no end even if I knew nothing else about her
you're talented af, b, but you've always been that
loads 1000 kisses into a cannon and shoots them across the ocean at you forever
but no seriously come here I'm going to shake you for the kindest fucking words I did not expect tonight
anyway look, first you are such an incredibly perceptive writer: you spot things in scenes like a hawk and then build on them wildly, somehow bringing it all back around to the characters and what they're up to in ways I as a reader immediately devour like soup in a gigantic, brilliantly descriptive bowl
it gives life to the world itself, and the way you can so eloquently articulate every little bit of it is frankly, insane in the best possible way
and then the other part of this is that OCs?? good lorde writing OCs is HARD. writing OCs that have been around the block and have their own arcs and come across as instantly recognizable is even harder and hands down it shocks me to the core how competently you do this and how easy you make it look
and oocly I will forever crush your hand in mine in gratitude for being so patient with me at all times as my asshole characters bark at the heels of yours, and as I dog paddle my way through my inbox to reach you
which is to say yes I absolutely like writing with you too and we will continue to do more for as long as this dumb body lets me, I can tell u that
clasps your hands meaningfully these are also such good words, perhaps eloquently illustrating my previous points!!!
i'm sorry you're having a rough night

i also wanna say nice things to you, cuz i think you are really cool haha. you're a very funny and collected person imo and i dig your writing v much. your prose is gorgeous, and the way you make things flow so effortlessly is downright enviable
& writing stuff w you actively makes me try harder with my own... i really think that since i got into faderift my writing has improved & you're part of the reason why. same goes for your art, you're very creatively inspiring. i really appreciate and enjoy having you around in my online sphere and hope that isn't too cheesy to say so
we have not rp'd ina dog's age, so I just want to settle for offering a hug.
oh dude im sorry about your night, i hope you get some rest
im half asleep and will return to send you more nice things but: hey, you're wonderful!!!!
I'm so sorry to hear things have been rough tonight

I hope they improve
You're one of those people that I feel incredibly privileged to KNOW, because you're one of those hyper-talented folks that is simultaneously just so laid-back. You systematically hunt out the good in everyone and I envy your touch for making people feel appreciated. Also, your art skills are top-tier and your writing makes me thirsty like few things do
So not only knowing you but getting to write such bomb things with you? /chef's kiss
I'm sorry things are shitty. Incredibly rude of them
you know i love your writing and you're one of my fav writing partners ive ever met in rp, but also you are a brilliantly kind person who always has time for others. i literally do not know how you can be so patient and empathetic. i am always impressed by how thoughtful you are
everyone else is 100% right, you're one of my favorite people to vibe with and talk to and we don't even need to do stuff we can just hang out and watch youtube and pet cats, but i always love talking with you and you are so fun to write with like all of the time
you're super chill and kind and we are gonna have the fanciest dessert later and you fully deserve it
I just woke up and I'm sleepy but you're one of my favorite people and I still have such fond memories of visiting you and Abby and gosh I just miss you a lot
we didn't get to write for very long, but i absolutely adored your tags when we did! you are such a talented writer, it's a joy to play with you. here's hoping we can rp again sometime in the near future.
I just want you to know how happy i am that you randomly tagged my grumpy elf on a meme and it's gone the way it has. you're really fun to write with and i just delight in where we're going.
never heard of Astarion before now I want to play his canon
blisters collected person HAHA yeS I have fooled u successfully honks my clown nose (sheds a single tear in gratitude for these kind words gdi tho)
hey no that is not cheesy at all tho and let me tell you yeeting the dumbest monster memes back and forth across the net as often as we find them brings me way more giddy happiness than it should becau [deleted for violating tumblr's guidelines]
but no seriously you are a pro rper in the most solid sense; I obviously enjoy threading with you this comes as a shock to literally no one but in actual embarrassing confessions fam the number of times I just sit around reading Ellie/Abby threads with my chin in my hands for the delicious tension and gorgeous prose is embarrassing
but I'll wear it on my sleeve with pride
you put so much weight into Abby's existence and what she wants and fears, and there's a brilliant balance to it where I, a person who was like whew I can't take a sad game rn so I'm going to slide around tlou 2 have gone and looked up clips and read so much about who she is
I love this gal, she's beautiful in your hands
also you have good taste even if you are a flea-ridden werewolf lover
god we have not and it is a shame, but there's such a good reason I still hover around your space in planetary orbit aside from 800 memories of gushing about games and learning about your beautiful ladies
and I know it's silly to say I miss you when we still rub virtual elbows but I do miss your face
just so ridiculously much
you're a wonderfully warm heart, you have so much love in you and that's something I'm going to cling to till the day I die because it is a rarity to be so gentle and so good in a world like this one, and I'm better for having met you a bajillion years ago
aka I'm taking that hug from across the ocean
i miss yours too ;O; and you're too kind!! you're such a good egg, and I'm glad I can at least send some zenhugs your way ♥
points directly at your face
how can I tell you how much I enjoy your presence— I mean aside from just saying that I do, I guess— which I do
you've made me into a sucker for heroes with hearts of gold and a habit of throwing themselves under every bus without it ever once feeling tired or taxing; that is SUCH a delicate needle to thread, because compulsion like that handled poorly
can easily feel like trying to hold up a brick wall, but there you were always sliding in with these real fears, these honest motivations that felt true and relatable and lorde did I love seeing the most Tired Normal Dude in Thedas
he became a fascination because of his anchored views and sleepless nights and constant drive for coffee in the middle of magical bullshit and I hope you know I love him still
(and my mega gay self couldn't be happier to consistently see you out here repping Wheel of Time my big beautiful queer poly nesting home with terrible cg but we don't talk about that last bit)
you do justice to everything you touch and pls know I'm going to continue to kick in your door at random intervals to just

about busted everything without saying two words
but also soft heart and super sharp mind, one of these days I'm going to throttle you (nicely) until you see just how talented you really are and understand how much you shine in that when you write
I've said it before but it deffo bears repeating that you have the keenest nose for prose and flow, and your tags turn out with a writer's sense of timing and pitch perfect descriptions; it shows how much you love the art of storytelling and books themselves
(which look, I know this is a writing hobby but I'll be the first to raise my hand and admit I haven't actually sat down and read a real book in YEARS so )
trust me when I say that's a rare and wonderful trait to have come through
I always walk away from threads or meme plurks wanting to know more, and oocly I always grin whenever a cat pic turns up or I get to read about how much you care for the community you're a part of
v few people would go out of their way to help kids and teenagers feel accepted and safe, but you do, and I'm so so glad I get to chill in your sphere
...let me smack u in the arm for this
ok ok for real I'm capable of getting out my feelings maybe but good lorde I am so glad you joined Faderift for literally a thousand reasons; I legit never expected Astarion to get along with Ellie at all— and in that initial throwaway trolling thread I was just losing it over the way they needled at each other, and then oops
hey, suddenly there they are, warming up to each other with this instantaneously potent understanding of pain and happiness and relief and fear and good god, I love them so much, this stray dog fam that looks out for each other without being aggressively coddling
you have a mind for narrative momentum and a skill for setting scenes, you write every last facet of Ellie with, frankly, absurd skill: she's mean, she's angry, she's hurt, she's sad, she's lonely and tired, she's able to laugh and care and cry
and all of it feels completely leashed to her core and her life, her experiences and she takes that all and pays it forward in exchanges with other characters— able to relate to them or relate parts of them to people she's known
like straight up, she's a person when you write her, and I mentioned it above but I totally do spy on every Abby/Ellie thread just to eat them like cereal because you two threading together slays
oocly though you're chill and hilarious, I love getting life updates from afar just to grin about your family's chaotic mischief or to read up on Sims 4 or laugh over memes
aka consider me forever sitting here with my chin in my hands
This made my day...
the tonal shift of the cackling at [deleted for violating tumblr's guidelines] interrupting my single tear
thank you... this is so kind
look, there's a reason every time we cross paths in RP games over the years the CR just flows
you know exactly the characters you rp but in your hands they're a force of nature; Jone lives in her freckles and bruises and scars, her broken nose and the way she laughs, and you find ways of conveying that with ease in rapid fire dialogue of all things
what's more is that you funnel so much into your portrayals— the layers of how they live and where they're from, you don't skip a beat in researching or thinking about how this plays into their train of thought
and your sense of humor and ability to just roll with the punches is straight up art
I continue to be forever grateful we're friends, but you knew that completely
probabiliteej me sliding in to respond to this a full day after hangout time like what up
but Teej you are so much fun to just sit with on the couch and/or go adventuring with
ngl I still have that one stargazing night stuck in my head because getting to see the Milky Way in picture perfect clarity and spend the whole like 2+hr drive up there (and back) chatting about FR was one of my favorite spontaneous trips to this day: I keep wanting more weird nature events to happen so we can road trip it out at 3am lmao
but beyond our hangouts you're such a present rper; you really do Show Up and throw yourself into plotting and planning and making a home for your characters instead of them just sort of existing in rp space, which a lot of times you don't see in games or psls, etc
you care deeply about ic connections, you foster them and build on them like a living tree, and I think that's such a big strength because those kinds of connections are how rp winds up flourishing both in narrative arcs and long term
and it's so awesome to see your characters grow in real time
and hey, I, who knows less than dirt about FF14 know so much about the saddest, prettiest old man now
and, u kno, how he turned Horny into a weapon
also shaking you, we have to take another trip for Sure
there should be meteor showers again this summer
sylverxnights buddy we ain't known each other long but I am thrilled you slammed Dante into FR: I only know your rp in regards to him so far, so maybe part of this is versatility or just your approach to rp itself, but I'm always so impressed at how engaging and dynamic Dante is
he brings this burst of energy in by merit of being him, absolutely yes, but you as a player come in swinging for everything and lorde, that isn't easy for anyone but you do it and you do it well
but that also comes with how you balance out his happy-go-lucky heroism with deeper conflict, for himself and other people around him, like with how he reached out to Gwen instantly and knew she needed someone to help
it's gold, fam, it's all gold is what I'm saying
crawl back out here again to me sometime please and thank you
but you're one of those people that I met through dw and then just was like all right cool we're buddies, and it doesn't matter if we always chat, or don't get to talk for months, we're still just as close
(buuut I do like peeking in on your life and sharing the odd meme or joke or fandom chatter, and I'll be so happy to keep on doing that for as long as we're both trudging around this planet)
spinebarrel ugh we so did not and I'm still forever bummed about that because what a whirlwind it was
your tags were sunshine and you were sunshine and I couldn't have asked for a better castmate for my awful, awful dude
and if nothing else I'm still really happy to have you in my sphere because you're such a beautiful heart and a great rper and I'm sure we'll cross rp paths again someday, I can feel it
in part because yes, rp, but also because you're such a bright spot on my timeline who genuinely cares so much for the people you know and manage to help through all your efforts, and for the hobbies you keep and the work you do, and I want nothing but good things for you all the time
but good god you are one of the few people I've ever met that can juggle so many characters and also make that fun and fascinating all at once, which I, as a person that taps out at 1-2 tops before becoming ooze, finds amazing
plus you really do just open your arms for everything that comes your way, and hands down, that versatility flatters
(and someday I'll have to learn more about critical role because of you)
you are such a sweetheart!

we will play again someday,
i know it
so I know very little about Glimmer (someday I'll broaden my horizons), so what I have to say is coming from a place of pure canon blindness but when ya girl shows up it's like the thread is guaranteed to be a good time
she's so self assured in her momentum and so funny when she's flustered or brought to an abrupt halt and there's a sense of timing there that I can definitely attribute to your writing completely because the comedic effect would be so lost otherwise
but she also feels like a character all her own and it's really fun to see how she's making her own way
I definitely need more of her in my life
you have such talent for ic emotions, especially the gentleness and conflict of relationships and love and friendship, and the nuances of reaching out for connection or what it means for characters to care for one another, and you're consistently fun to plot with
I'm impressed b y just how much heart you have your characters lay out and invest, and also I think you do a great job with characters on the opposite end of things like prudence who I still think about warmly after that amazing tdm thread, but there's more to all of them beneath the surface and
also you're just fun to know! you have a gorgeous sense of self and style that I admire, and it shines thru at all times

you are a gem and a delight and if you ever want to dip your toes into critical role, you let me know
aaaaaAAAAAAAAAH (warm feelings to friendffection intensify)

i told u shit already in our pp but also did you know you're a fuckin fabulous human being who is a delight and whomst i am so so grateful to have gotten to know, my god, you make my life brighter
Don't double me up but I'm sliding in for another hug for you