Feiri Tales
2022-05-17T12:15:31.000Z 2022-05-17T12:16:09.000Z
Hello everyone!
So I logged on SL after years and years and years of not being online at all. Everything changed :-o
Feiri Tales
Whats new what should I do?
Feiri Tales
Do people still use firestorm? Or regular SL viewer?
Hiiii! I have been in and out of sl the last few years. I have mostly logged in, shopped and logged out. Trying to get back into it. I still use firestorm. But who cares about sl, how have you been?? Healthy? Still sailing?
Feiri Tales
Hi!!! No one cares about SL! How have you been?
I am doing well! Not sailing anymore I am a cardio nurse now in the hospital. I am married for almost 2 years now and I have a little daughter who is 7,5 months (woot)
Everything went so fast