2 years ago
wish I didn't miss these, they don't seem to be in the store anymore
latest #13
2 years ago
that's weird, maybe it is just taking them time to set it up
2 years ago
Yah, maybe I’ll go back later
2 years ago
I wonder if you messaged the owner if they would sell it to you.
2 years ago
Didn’t even try because my experience has been big stores rarely respond but maybe I’ll give it a try!
2 years ago
True true
Gogo ♔
2 years ago
stores NEVER respond
Gogo ♔
2 years ago
not even yes or no, it's like they dont even have IM, poor things
2 years ago
Damn. I used to respond back in the day. I respond now too, but I'm small
2 years ago
gogolita: most of the time I get no response either, even when I follow all the instructions. Let's say I even reach out to the CSR to point out a mistake like a demo that gives out the wrong product, they never respond or fix it. So now I'm like, it's a waste of time.
2 years ago
stellasemaphore1: they actually responded right away but because I didn't expect them to because I'm pretty sure that's never happened before I walked away and now they're not responding anymore lol.
2 years ago
got them.
2 years ago
nice!!! (dance_bzz)
Gogo ♔
2 years ago
It’s a matter of big or small - some brands are use a black hole. I’m always 1000% more loyal when I can just contact the creator and get a response within a day
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