Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
how are you all! I am still here and there :-). Busy with stuffs in SL: The Fantasy Faire, filming for Huck's new movie and yeah RL is chaos too.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
My second job, the temp call centre job I took in november 2020 for 3 will end in 3 weeks. One and a half year it turned out, but the end is near. I am looking forward to a summer without weekend- and evening shifts. And enjoying our new boat we bought in january.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago
Not looking forward to cataract surgery, my left eye is apparently really bad, but I will do that after summer. (yes, I am scared and super nervous as well, no matter how many ppl tell me it's no big deal).
2 years ago
Enjoy that boat!
2 years ago