2 years ago
guys I'm sorry but I have to drop.
latest #34
2 years ago
I'm going to stick around as a mod to run things, but I just don't have as much time as I used to due to some things and getting to tags was starting to feel like a chore I was putting off instead of something I was looking forward to
2 years ago
RadioactiveArachnid Joysweeper we will definitely finish guts' farewell, but I think saturday will get mysteriously lost on the way back when they're between worlds or something
2 years ago
ahhh. I'm sorry to hear it but I had the feeling this was coming!
2 years ago
I'm also very sorry to hear this, but at least you'll still be around.
It's Nick
2 years ago
I'm glad you'll still be around, yup. I hope things will go well in everything going on in your life!
2 years ago
maybe i will be back someday, Who Knows
2 years ago
I've had a lot of fun threading with you and I do hope for more someday, even outside of the psl, even if it's not in wl
2 years ago
i might be able to handle psls? I just am no longer capable of adhering to a schedule or expectations of a schedule beyond the short time
2 years ago
my regular game group has only survived because I've had "1730 pst to when we're done every saturday" carved out for almost ten years now and it's imprinted deep in my weekly routine
Roll Fizzlebeef
2 years ago
...I'm not involved with anything with Guts, I don't think.
2 years ago
oh god i mistyped
2 years ago
that was for hematite
2 years ago
their old nick was aran and I forgot that wasn't actually their plurk username
2 years ago
I'd like to psl! the dynamics between our characters have been pretty great
2 years ago
sometime, I mean, I'm not meaning to put pressure or w/e
2 years ago
no, i like saturday and alloran's mutual vibe
2 years ago
it turns out that trauma can make two very opposite people from very opposite worlds and situations feel like they have something in common
2 years ago
and raistlin is just very funny to give positive reinforcement to at the age I'm playing him; he's like a sad little plant that just wants some regular sun and water
2 years ago
even though they're both cynical and reflective alloran and need are so different, I like saturday cracking alloran open a bit and making him get a little further out of his own head
2 years ago
and need being one of the best possible mentors raistlin could have while also completely reinforcing general attitudes of paranoia and secrecy is super enjoyable.
2 years ago
always keep things from the party
2 years ago
alloran is like "this is the most horrible thing that anyone's ever done or had happen to them" and saturday's like "oh boy, just wait til you hear about THIS"
2 years ago
and also tbh secrecy and paranoia are perfectly sensible things to teach someone who clearly wants to go around looking for trouble and to get involved in other people's business
2 years ago
he wants to be a mage and he specifically wants to be a Powerful, Famous, Important Mage, so he should learn how to be an absolute bastard but like in an ethical way
2 years ago
alloran's stewed in his own juices for so long! what he's done has been trapped with him and flung in his face, and even if esplin cheerfully commits atrocities he does it without conscience so It's Different
saturday's like no I get it also, that shit's absolutely everywhere
2 years ago
<something something isn't it more evil to do something knowing it's an evil than to do it because it advances the cause and is enjoyable?>
2 years ago
and lol
raist can probably never be need's kind of bastard but that's fine because hers includes a constant struggle against well I know best for people
2 years ago
"brah i think you're just super fucked up from being tortured by a dude who had nothing better to do than pump your brain chemistry full of self loathing for like, decades"
Dan will miss Saturday <3 totally understand about the demands of time!
2 years ago
we should turn saturday into an andalite sometime
2 years ago
she would really enjoy getting to Go Fast
2 years ago
no reason needed and half because dealing with alloran when there's also that unexpected buoyant andalite optimism, lol
he'd also like to go fast, admittedly
Always down to PSL too - and I can streamline stuff along on my end to accomodate if we need to
2 years ago
I'm gonna miss Saturday!
Oh also I remember you wanting to continue that one scene between her and Price, would you like to plot an outcome so that we can handwave it comfortably?
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