2 years ago
that brings me to another thing I've always wondered. Clu's motivation. The first 3 mediums (Betrayal, Evolution, Legacy) have a rough similarity in tone, but when i came to Uprising, he was played so exaggerated that it contradicted the other preceding 3 sources.
latest #62
2 years ago
Especially when it came down to what message the same betrayal scene I talked about before was sending.
2 years ago
In legacy, its clear this was about Flynn. Tron had been stalled and was simply in the way. Clu pursued Flynn, and Tron was shown rescuing him.
2 years ago
It was personal, and we know this because Evolution shows what triggered Clu's desire to put this plan in place then and there. Betrayal backs it up as we see this same build up in that too.
2 years ago
The there's the ugly child, Uprising, that changes the complete context of Clu into a one dimensional Disney villain with no sympathetic features. he was always evil and did evil things.
2 years ago
Now Clu was always after Tron and it was all about him, and the trap set up for him. Not Flynn.Clu even states that Flynn can go wherever he wants, he's free to do stuff, just not be the boss (terms and conditions apply). This breaks with the narrative and what is shown from the primary source, Legacy movie.
2 years ago
I get wanting to put more emphasis on Tron and his part in the betrayal scene, but they all out went and changed the entire context of the movie doing so to the opposite extreme, and it conflicts. Like- it's not reconcilable.
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
Dyson Is Projecting, The Series
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
(thinking) Tesler hates and fears Clu, but Dyson... both wants to be Clu and wants to take Tron's place as the "special" program who gets to hang around the all-powerful people
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
so for him, the coup was more about humiliating and replacing Tron than whatever Clu's goals actually were
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
(I wouldn't be surprised if Clu's "Flynn can go wherever" was a total lie)
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
(offering a target that Dyson obviously had a beef with and that Clu might praise him for, while not considering him important enough to deal with anything Flynn-related)
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
(and hiding his own raging bitterness, which might be taken as weakness and is therefore not for underlings to know except when he's derezzing them)
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
(Tesler does that too, but Clu does it better)
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
but meanwhile there's no sign the writers planned on ever having Flynn do anything, so we don't see anything Clu does except when he's focused on Argon
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
/nests angrily on pile of lost opportunities
2 years ago
oh yes, completely agree. I actually got distracted and failed to put my passage about Dyson into this yesterday.
2 years ago
I was seriously thinking about the Dyson version of the scene and how reliable he truly is as a character as a whole. And I concluded that he is less reliable than even Tesler. Tesler did say he was a 'two phony' (i know it was a joke about hismelf but0, what else does Tesler know?
2 years ago
Tesler will lie to suit his needs, but i don't see him lying to himself like Dyson seems to do. meaning that's a point away from reliability score.
2 years ago
Dyson in that betrayal scene from what we know of Dyson, he is 100% projecting. He would lie to exaggerate his own position and his involvement, and recreate reality to suit his own insecurities.
2 years ago
I think he may perhaps had been there, maybe even at the end, where he caught a conversation between Tron and Clu, and inserted himself taking over some of those lines Clu had said for himself, like he'd always wanted to say, to make himself feel more important and useful, perhaps even to help convince himself he made the right choice.
2 years ago
it's rather strange that the scene is so truncated, cutting out Flynn entirely and having Dyson walk up from the back after all the work is done. This may mean, he never saw Flynn and that scuffle, and why would Clu ever tolerate a strong program sitting around in the back like a coward using mooks at such an important moment?
2 years ago
So yeah, Dyson is delusional about his worth, he probably knows he's disposable, and Clu barely tolerates him since he shares characteristics he loathes.
2 years ago
It could be the intent that Clu in all of Uprising is an exaggeration from each programs eyes. Clu literally walked out of Tesler's closet 1st ep (we still have no explanation for that!), and give Tesler's dream, looks like he has a type of fear for that, being ambushed.
2 years ago
The only other times we see Clu is from other select programs perspectives too. Tron and Dyson.
2 years ago
There is also new information, from revealed pages of a season 2 ep script, that Clu is far less caring for Dyson in that.
2 years ago
But I could be overanalizing a 11 year old childrens tv show.
2 years ago
A. Dyson's perspective is suspect and may only partially exist or may not even exist at all.
B.Dyson shapes Clu's motivation through the lens of his own.
C.Dyson's betrayal scene is the odd one out, can be recontextualising the core motivation from secondary goals which a character like Dyson would be given control of.
2 years ago
Coming back to Clu. His motivations can really only fall into:
A. His primary goal was Flynn and his disk's capture (logistical reasons), with Tron being a secondary goal.
B. His primary goal was Flynn's capture (personal reasons), with Tron being a secondary goal.
2 years ago
C. His primary goal was to kill Flynn (personal + logistical reasons interchangeable), with Tron as a secondary goal.
D. Flynn and his disk is a secondary goal (personal + logistical reasons interchangeable), with Tron being the primary goal (logistical reasons).
2 years ago
E. Flynn and his disk is a secondary goal (personal + logistical reasons interchangeable), with Tron being the primary goal (personal reasons).
F. Flynn is meaningless and purposely let go, Tron is only goal (personal + logistical reasons interchangeable)
2 years ago
G. Flynn is the only goal, Tron is a consolation prize.
2 years ago
I separated some of these out simply due to the interpretation changing the context of the scenario and context of media too much.
2 years ago
From these options, i believe Flynn is personal, and that Clu was motivated by personal reasons, especially after Flynn insulted him in the evolution cutscene. However Flynn is also useful and Clu would need him alive (derezzing a 'user' would brick his disk), and the trap was set to distract Tron and separate them enough to deal with Flynn and then Tron.
2 years ago
Tron had way too little pitted against him to realistically threaten him. But as a distraction... Clu could have thought that Flynn may have been the bigger threat, and then he ended up being nothing more than a scared man crawling away from him.
2 years ago
Clu underestimated Tron, and Tron interrupted him, and ultimately Flynn got away. Clu had no choice but to take Tron as a consolation prize. I don't think it was purely logistical that Tron was a secondary goal, but simply an opportunity, with just a dash of personal involved.
2 years ago
Either way both of them had to be out of the way, controlled, contained, destroyed, whatever.
2 years ago
I can't see Clu having wanted to kill Flynn, not from a logistic pov, but also, he already had multiple opportunities to do that and never tried. This is backed up on legacy where at the very end he didn't disk Flynn in the face when he could have.
2 years ago
And he seemed completely unaware that Flynn had a means of destroying him (though that's it's own type of nuclear option), so his being unwilling to kill him has to be genuine.
2 years ago
Anyway, I think i've rambled enough about this.
2 years ago
These are in really shit quality, but i can;'t find the orginals. Here are 3 pages of unreleased Tron Uprising season 2 script:
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Not the orginal set of the couple pages of the Unreleased s2 Uprising movie that have been around for a few years now.
2 years ago
It's a pity the 2nd half of the animatic of the 1st episode (?)of s2 wasn't captured with the first part. I remember watching the 2nd part of it with the first back in 2013 before the video was quickly privated. Someone only ever saved the 1st part. Shame.
2 years ago
Also, quick recently, as in less than a month ago, 2 names of s2 had been accidentally leaked on line on a streaming service. And one of those titles sorta matches up with some of the script above.
2 years ago
Apparently this was an accident and was quickly fixed. But someone caught it.
2 years ago
found the post with the script images
2 years ago
2 years ago
And in 1 fell swoop everything I had been talking about has been busted open. Holy molly, I had missed a page orginally.
2 years ago
But still... thhis is Uprising.
2 years ago
It's nice that they full confirmed that the Sea of Simulation is in fact the ISO's brithplace. But the rest of that... wtf?
2 years ago
They really really really rolled with the full Disney Villian in this, it's almost comical. But whats worse, its making Quora look comical too
2 years ago
like how does she know anything? especially at this point in the timeline? Not to mention, Flynn said Tron was dead (and i know its supposed to be denial... but) this breaks continuity
2 years ago
Grid 2? Original Grid?? C'mon! This is dumb and doesn't even make sense. Of course there would have been other versions, its called OS updates!
2 years ago
ANYWAY. Point of it is, this states that Tron now is vital because apparently he's the only non-Grid program (which I guess confirms that Yori indeed does not exist on the Grid proper nor any ENCOM programs which contradicts the fact that an old Bit is in Uprising) and that means he holds the key for Clu to make new programs
2 years ago
so like Tron is now a program baby maker, I swear this reads as nsfw fanfiction.
2 years ago
I would question if this was fake if it didn't literally come from an official source.
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
Boy oh boy I'm gonna have a lot to say in here when I properly wake up
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
Tesler calling Dyson a two-faced phony is 90000% a case of it takes one to know one, and also hating in others what he hates in himself. Where he lies to himself is expressing fear of powerlessness as anger in which he can feel powerful enough to be safe.
Hooded Figure
2 years ago
but holy moley s2 script pages?? I'm gonna pounce on those when I get back but would not be surprised if they did double down on Simple Disney Villainification.
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