aka any time Astarion is gentle about old pains I melt, it's fine
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
also is anyone else going to do the Crow mission in Antiva? I'm thinking I'll have Astarion go for it since
#s are low, but I can't have him solo it so I'd need at least one other person to help
be a sneak
I was planning to tag in with fitcher/was thinking it might be fun to do some kind of walkie-talkie half action half network thing with the crystals
I'll go ahead and tag into it tonight then, and if you guys want to coordinate or anything lmk
dick will be at crow party
perfect then, I was skirting tagging in like well I don't want to be the one kid at the punch bowl or trample any plans lmao
im not sure i have anyone appropriate but it looks so cool mO_Om
let's do crow party, broseph

trots back in here, cracks my knuckles, and taps this sign
(I hope you all write the most self indulgent everything and never once forget that no one ever said did Agatha Christie write about murder again??
well you know what that means you're getting yet another dog tag to meet dog
but you might ALSO get a party tag!!
bc star is a disaster that I love
I would like that v much!
it pans out because I adore Mobius so there
whew okay doing some light tracking in here just so I can get back on the rails
1: Astarion > Fenris
2: Astarion > Byerly
3: Astarion > Bastien
4: Astarion > Wysteria
5: Astarion > Byerly
6: Astarion > Mobius
7: Astarion > Crow mission
(as always if something I write doesn't work for you or doesn't make sense, lmk, I do not trust my exhausted ass self to be coherent)
8: Astarion > Wysteria
9: Astarion > Gwen
10: Astarion > Ellie
Throws a dart at this plurk so I remember to tag u
It’s the sticky kind with the suction cup don’t worry

When Someone Stabs You, You Don't Expect The Knife To Apologize
well maybe it wants to anyway!!
banned sorry no normal emotions here only aggressively dysfunctional ones
Me: I’m so glad Astarion is making real friends and learning life lessons, and growing at his own pace
Astarion: bullies a fucking babie over the crystals
they're equally mean to each other tho so it balances out
oh my god Astarion you can’t just ask someone if they love their husband
Immeasurable disappointment

possible vulnerability? in public? in THIS economy??
more people should join it though
I'm so glad wolf is a big weenie softy. mobius is so fucking confused
oh damn plurk hid this from me and I have been so flattened I didn’t even peek in here BUT
Shadowesque wolf is a
huge weenie softie she’s going to cover him in fur if he lets her
also okay I am wanting to howl so much about tags (and also to tag) but the last few days have just been me pushing my body past the point of physical exertion and it is mad as hell
so I think I’m going to just sleep early tonight and hope that a full hibernation will stop my bones from feeling like they’re vibrating and come back for major tagging and commentary tomorrow
tucks you in

you'd better
I was gonna say wow you're really keeping me on my rp toes here gosh
not that I'm against that actually
when the weather gets cold again? that's a comforter. that's a mobile heater. everyone cuddle in astar's room for wolf heat.
summer’s going to be hell though
fur blanket trying to lay on everyone
--is she in the middle of blowing her coat
is she shedding like a maniac
will she look about half her size in a week
probably after Rialto yeah, lmao
just starts shedding like mad somewhere around mid month
I mean he wears black anyway
also lmfao oh god poor woof

touching her like
(he’s gonna be mad as hell about it, just foists her off on Fenris so he can keep his clothes clean

Astarion holding up the smallest little flag for tits and tit appreciation tyvm
if anyone else wants to leap in on the crow snooping, feel free to just pop the door open and come in
and everyone's already heard me yowling about Fenris and Astarion from 900 years away
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
anyway Rialto threads all either crushing my heart or bringing me joy or both so here's a no context summary of it on Astarion's end before I float back into the ether:
Dante just dying on Astarion's bed. It's so rude of him.
sir you had better not be
my heart will snap in two and so will Astarion's
mutual heart snapping zone and those have been outlawed
looks at this being public and laughs
STOP im giggling in public

he walked into that directly
He sure did and it was precious actually
but yeah no he...really did....
smacked face first right into it
look at her she's always gorgeous
Don't worry Dante has been gifted with the ability to recover from one life threatening wound in a day. He's just hibernating Astarion. It only looks like dead.
(I mean, Astarion is still worried but u kno)
Sorry Star, just shove him in a wardrobe. He'll wake up eventually.
Dante's getting prime real estate for his injured snooze
Awww Astarion, you're a real one! Dante's just going to pop up like some kind of demented jack-in-the box and horrify everyone.
Or you can body pillow him, that works too.
they'll figure it out as they go
It's more than Dante would expect lol.