2 years ago
Some updates
latest #11
2 years ago
Staying at home all the time feels horrible. Days feel like years. Can’t imagine what I wrote here was only 3 days ago I felt like it’s 3weeks ago.
2 years ago
Some updates on my injured ankle. I’ve started using crutches to walk around my home. Originally I thought I would not start walking till next week after I got my stitches removed. But my left ankle is recovering quite well I think, and I also feel like I’ve gained enough strength to walk around. So I start earlier!
2 years ago
Still a bit shaky. But I think I’m doing good. And will do better I’m sure. I’m trying to stay as positive as possible. And with better sleep, my mood becomes more stable.
2 years ago
Since I can’t really move around as I used to. I feel like it’s really time for me to learn new stuff and prepare myself for new challenges. With my broken ankle, I put a halt to my job hunting as I feel the needs to prioritise my health first. Still, I know there’s an urgency to jump into the new Web3/ crypto space otherwise it’ll be too late.
2 years ago
So maybe I should leverage the time of my recovery, and start diving into this space. Probably start with NFT first, then maybe the whole crypto ecosystem. And maybe start investing as well.
2 years ago
Hopefully by the time I’m healed, and start my job hunting again, I’m equipped with sufficient knowledge and be confident enough to apply for jobs that I want.
2 years ago
For that guy
2 years ago
Haven’t seen each other for almost a month. That’s really crazy. In my past relationship, I’ve never had that before.
2 years ago
He just told me he’s not seeing any other girls. He’s only seeing me. And he always wanna name himself as my bf. But he never ask me so I never let him.
2 years ago
I feel peace around him. No drama, no heartbreak, no confusion, just peace. I think I really do like him a lot. I’ve already told him that I’ll need him to dtr like officially. Really looking forward to what he’ll do.
2 years ago
I miss him
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