2 years ago
Broke my legs
latest #18
2 years ago
Ok not legs but ankle. Broke my ankle now I need to rest for at least 2 months before I can step out of my home.
2 years ago
I thought I’d cry when I broke it. Or cried when it swollen on the first few nights. I thought I’d be angry or depressed but I didn’t. I just simply accepted the fact- yes I’m injured, now what’s next, what should I do for recovery. It really didn’t bother me much.
2 years ago
My first time breaking bones, being hospitalised, and doing surgery. I was nervous and anxious yet I made it through.
2 years ago
Now I realise the importance of being healthy. And I’ll probably start looking after myself a bit more...
2 years ago
It’s sad that I gotta stay away from my board for months. But I got something better...
2 years ago
I used to doubt his intention and love... idk if he’s really interested in me, or whatever happened between us was only something short-lived.
But his action has been showing me that he’s really serious about it.
2 years ago
He’s been calling me since day1, and he called me few times a day just to keep me company.
2 years ago
I didn’t ask for any of this. Or at least not in this frequency. But he did.
2 years ago
He doesn’t like texting or calling. And he’s bad at talking too. Still, he calls. Even I don’t ask him to. Talking on phone takes time and effort. And with his consistency it shows that he cares, and he makes me his priority.
2 years ago
Acknowledging this warm my heart.
2 years ago
I’m sure that he could give me what I’ve been looking for.
2 years ago
It’s funny how we know each other’s past, which obviously weren’t something worth being proud of. Still, we chose to trust each other.
I never have to hide in front of him. He knows and accepts who I am and what I do, without judging me, without wanting to manipulate me.
2 years ago
Jealousy and manipulation is not act of love. I can feel he cares about me without that.
And he values communication as much as I do.
2 years ago
He’s the first person I called when I woke up from my surgery. And I cried. And I didn’t feel uncomfortable showing my vulnerability in front of him, knowing that he’ll understand and comfort me.
2 years ago
I wanted to DTR, so so bad.
2 years ago
But now, I just don’t care anymore.
2 years ago
Labels don’t matter to me anymore.
2 years ago
I won’t push again. I’ll just sit back and wait and enjoy the ride. I know he meant it, and he knows I’m committed as much as he does. So it doesn’t matter. I’ll give him time to think about it, while I enjoy the time we shared.
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