I'm just feeling lonely and overwhelmed
I still feel stupid and like I wanna cry
brains and emotions blow, i'm sorry you're having a day :<
but long story short: I got very used to it being just Skyler and I got a long time, but when she started making new friends I was feeling lonely. then I went to the drag show; it was supposed to be my bestie and I but she gets in the car and says
her friend from work is coming too
which okay, in the moment I tried to be positive, but considering it was something we were doing for my birthday it felt kind of....rude and inconsiderate
even though I was hurt I tried to engage in conversation but it was mostly of them talking about their work drama and such so I felt kind of like a third wheel ..... at the thing that was supposed to be for me
but then I thought I was just being stupid and childish and my friend isn't responsible for my feelings so I just holed it up
then something happened this morning that was very kind and helpful but I misunderstood the intention.
because Ive been bottling up my loneliness as just being jealous and childish
so I just ollied because I got overwhelmed and felt stupid, but I still feel like I'm encroaching on a space that is not for me
but I'm taking a break from discord servers, but I'm gonna be able to be pmd
and I'll join chill activities
I just have a lot of things I want to do but I don't have many irl friends who are interested
i just wish I could get it out of my brain that people don't want me around and that I have nothing of value to offer
because at the end of the day, I feel like I don't fit in anywhere
that was super rude of them yeah
my bestie does shit like that too. she doesn't live here anymore, but even when she comes to visit she pulls shit like that
and i know what it's like to not have friends in the area. I don't have any here, either
just know that you are definitely wanted 8D I enjoy talking to you and playing games with you and if we lived closer i'd come and see u
and like my volunteering stuff is picking back up again but....my friends there make it a part of their personality and I don't
I just have the most tanked self esteem so I just get self conscious about my emotions
That’s really rude of them ;;
Whether the outing is for you or not, it’s considerate to ask all involved parties before bringing an additional person along.
idk I thought maybe I was being silly
Definitely not silly. hugs tight