:You were supposed to keep him safe! You let him drown. This is all your fault! This is all your fault! _ If Layla dies, that's on your head. It will be all your fault.
:... all those horrible things that she said to you, she was wrong. It wasn't your fault. :I shouldn't have brought him in the cave. I shouldn't have brought him in the cave... :You were just a child, it wasn't your fault.
字幕 中:你試著殺人看看,就知道多快會忘記(?) 日:命を奪えば簡単には忘れられない 法:Essayer d'ôter une vie. Tu verras si tu peux oublier. 英:You try taking a life, See how quickly you forget.
欸等等等等最後跟哈羅醫生講話的時候 M: What if we disagree, Doc ? M: What if we believe something different ? S: We'd rather go save the world. WE!WE!WE!兩個人都用我們~~~!WE!!謝謝~~~~!!!
Going so far back as Episode 1 "The Goldfish Problem," cinematographer Gregory Middleton points out that after Steven wakes up in bed following the cupcake truck chase, “There's a shot of a [split] of mirrors and there's this barely third reflection.” Barely three reflections.
“When [Marc] is talking to himself in the pyramid at the end of the episode, you'll notice it's actually a three sided pyramid that are progressively more and more broken. Third side represents his rage. The one that he kicks out and smashes is actually a tiny, tiny little clue to look out for three instead of two.”
And by Episode 4 "The Tomb," there’s a mysterious sarcophagus looming over Steven and Marc as they travel through the Underworld together. Almost in unison, both Benson and Moorhead confirm, “That is intended to be Jake.” 好ㄉ所以這裡真的是傑克,有公式證實就是不一樣(