Loading screen, cheerfully: Kirkwall is a deathtrap :]
oh no the eyebrows are doin that thing again, RIP NPC your dye job is not your fault
(also it is wild to listen to the spanish guitar track in the Blooming Rose because one of the ambient voices definitely shouts out te amo, lmao)

I'll be discreet says local purple Hawke incapable of walking two steps without opening his mouth

ohhh the book did not survive the upgrade to HD textures
100% looks like

slides in here
(yes this is how I play video games don't look at me)
also lmao if you go into the kitchens > the back door you can absolutely hear people bangin, lorde Bioware

Solas lookin gr8

the stairs convo between Isabela and Fenris tho.....

Hawke: guys wtf we came here for a reason and that reason wasn't thirst
the entire bi squad:

oh no.... if you tell the nice lad Ninette is dead he cries...
also man what happens if you don't have Anders with you during that mind control/blood magic exchange
gave them 50 silver but now I can't seem to do anything else or talk to anyone about it, so here's hoping that it helps

h m.
me trying to remember what kind of dialogue choices Isabela likes before I remember she's just the same as Astarion when it comes to roguish charm (look it's been a long time ok)
man I will say I love that even Kirkwall interiors have graffiti/emblems painted onto them
it reminds me a lot of Rome


squad squad squad
arguably the funniest purp Hawke has ever been
whew finally finished Herbalist's tasks
the ironbark one was driving me crazy for a bit there
only one quest left

Jack??? ? ?

the way her voice dips into babytalk

oh I am gonna go SEE SISTER PETRICE
I love how some bioware options are like
option A: shake hands
option B: offer carrot
but then you pick offer carrot and it's suddenly your character is trying to beat them to death w a carrot
I have an entire room full of DLC that I'm afraid to touch bc I'm like
what if I start too early??
I guess it won't matter much

m o m pls

whew ok, this feels like the perfect stopping point for now and not just because I'm tired
aslfslkj CHOKES AT ALL THIS oh this is fab but also jesus h christ that absolutely is jack
also frankly you can do the dlc anytime but act 2 is a solid place to do em, which, you're nearly in act 2 so
I save the DLC for Act 3 because I’m a sap and I like making sure I get the romance-related banter in it.
also desperately making me want to finish my replays omg

at this whole plurk

re: the shake hands, offer carrot thing
yeah but then if the option was glass him you'd be like
and instead hand him a glass
inflammation big time tonight so I'm gonna just call it and game for a bit
ty b, deffo on it

I was about to be like gasp they have the lyrium veins here from the Descent but
considering this way predates it, gj tired brain you did it
me watching og indiana jones: wow it's that guy w the hat like in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!
anyway still really pretty tho
lyrium please stpp looking like rock candy, really setting off my forbidden snack mood
I really was about to howl that I wish the game would give me better armor....and then immediately it did
the only thing is this armor is infinitely more hideous than the other set
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
finds an incredible shield with no inventory space and a party comprised of 3 rogues + a warrior
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
live forever in the Deep Roads, buddy

oh lorde that is some
red lyrium right there huh 
who wants to test this one out
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago

pile of cash taking front and center in this cutscene without shame

'no thank u'

murder murder murder!!!1
adjusts chant 2 timeskip timeskip timeskip instead

holy shit
love everyone sticking up for Merrill for one, and also that the conclusion is just
like 0% fucks given, no beating around the bush
me starting to walk to Gamlen's like better visit my fam first before I remember Hawke has a goddamn mansion now

love a good timeskip
more games should have them tbh

this is exactly the kind of fake mail quest I was born to accept

holy shit this too
Faderift needs 900% more Thedosian spam mail ty
Hawke's mom immediately after moving into the estate:
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
apologies to the Inquisitor but why does Hawke get the literal best companions hands down
this game's dialogue gives me lifeblood in real time
DA2 was the literal best re: companions
deeply non functional tonight bc feeling gross, decided DA would be the perfect thing to roll through a little more of, thinking to myself oh it hasn't been that lo—
the nice thing about games is that they wait for you. ;w;

I forgot how much Andraste's statue makes her look like a v cool mech
Andraste's legs in the background of this cutscene
'I literally saw you doing a fetch quest ten minutes ago. You didn't even get paid.'

yeah babe that's bc it's a house
-100/10 workplace review, these elves all need to r u n
me at every single one of these poor servants like
side note it's really neat to see what assets got reused for DAI, like the orlesian manors working off of this basic framework, or even the torture/shackle/peg thing, the wardrobes, etc

also neat, unopenable doors having a visible reason for it

just a lone window by himself

heheh bonetown
sebastian: maker pls forgive your children
me: the bones??? the non-sentient bones that just hit you in the face and tried to kill you???????
jfc this place is the worst and also huge, Revenants and Arcane Horrors everywhere

oh good now there's just a hallway full of these dudes that I hate

there is so much going on here
scott campbell on the top, senior discount on the bottom, spirit halloween for the rest
love a good temptation plot
HGTV more like haunted garden....tv.....look just don't
don't renovate don't dig underground don't move into a new house

mmmm ok hold on rewind there, Sebs
like I Get It lad, but also this girl was genuinely sold out and is trying hard to make amends, she ain't the one to bite for being controlled ok

years?? damn

Emeric: DuPuis
me: haha DuPuis
Hawke: haha DuPuis
me: ...oh no
purple Hawke: an idiot, a buffoon, a fucking muppet
oh my god that Fenris expression.

be happy
he's happy