abyss hippie
2 years ago
latest #38
abyss hippie
2 years ago
2 years ago
6 & 27
2 years ago
1 back at you, 2, and 23
abyss hippie
2 years ago
6 - you're in cahoots with my therapist
abyss hippie
2 years ago
physical: naturally long lashes, an impressive grey stripe in my hair, and freckles that are apparently the envy of tiktok filters
abyss hippie
2 years ago
non-physical: playlist skills on point, good at making words together sometimes, and i possess the mental fortitude to ruin joss whedon's kneecaps if given the chance
abyss hippie
2 years ago
27 - god i don't even know. there's too many. kira comes closest to the ideal? except her dating choices. other than that, kira.
2 years ago
the moldy peaches/kimya dawson are always correct
abyss hippie
2 years ago
2 - empire records, hands down. i have a lot of movies i revist as like, comfort movies? but empire records is the one that's the comfort and get out of the bad mood movie
2 years ago
man i have not seen that movie in a long time, i should revist it
abyss hippie
2 years ago
23 - i hardly ever wear them anymore bc i don't go out, but i've got this pair of knee high boots that i love
abyss hippie
2 years ago
and yesssss you should
abyss hippie
2 years ago
it's almost rex manning day!!
abyss hippie
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
knee high boots are so choice
abyss hippie
2 years ago
the only bad part is there's only like, three days of the year in san antonio where it's practical to wear them
abyss hippie
2 years ago
catacombs: did you have to call me out like this?
2 years ago
hey, i could've just said "watch your fingers" and peaced out
2 years ago
i feel you, living in LA
abyss hippie
2 years ago
catacombs: you don't gotta be RUDE
abyss hippie
2 years ago
autoclave: i don't want my legs to sweat! it's weird and sad!
2 years ago
it is!!!
abyss hippie
2 years ago
and they were far too impractical for the Snowpocalypse
abyss hippie
2 years ago
really only an autumn boot
abyss hippie
2 years ago
and figuring out which days autumn happen here requires dark magics, a goat, and praying to something ancient and crisp that probably is sick of hearing about my boots
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
san antonio "autumn" is like 45 minutes around 6AM before it goes from comfortable temps straight to BOILING.
2 years ago
it's kind of like figuring out spring here
2 years ago
one day rianing
2 years ago
the next day hey it's in the 90s
2 years ago
never forget thinking it's spring rain but no, it's a hurricane
abyss hippie
2 years ago
yeah that sounds about South to me
abyss hippie
2 years ago
...is there supposed to be a difference between a spring rain and a giant storm coming in from the gulf? are they supposed to be different??
2 years ago
fall here is mostly god i hope it rains before we catch on fire
abyss hippie
2 years ago
the joys of living through climate change
2 years ago
y e p
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