Who’s there?
Tell me, strangers. Is my life just a lie?
latest #15
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Who’s there?
if the answer is Y , you are the most beautiful lie
baby_9: Nobody replies. There should not be any replies.
I should not be the one who speaks to you, it should never be me.
zarajiltee1001: Poppy for the your remembrance.
El7667l3: I know, thank you.
are you dirtyPUA's good Panpan boy ?
El7667l3: No. Would you mind shutting your mouth up?;-)
oh !Giant !It's you ,right ?Am I right ?
El7667l3: Nope. I am the one that you always make fun of. You better recognise me earlier next time:-)
Wait what???Are you playing a trick on me ? I can't understand maybe I am just a big dumb goodbye my chance TT
El7667l3: I’ll never spent my time on fooling you but to be honest you’re REALLY dumb. Poor human(LOL)
I like poppy but why my remembrance is poppy ?
Next question : Coffee, tea or water ?
zarajiltee1001: Uh-huh, all drinks sounds the same to me. What about tequila?
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