...Do I dare show my other person?
also i know youre writing older naegi bit jinx would have SUCH strong "excuse me he asked for no pickles" energy with kid naegi das;fkjl
revenge of the hoodie hope dorks
Also this boy. Which is a lovely walking spoiler.
..technical issues. One moment
amity_rose Kid Naegi would totally hide behind her.
miyazaki895 We've already gushed about them on discord but they would be so cute together!
...considering i'm logged in as kokichi this is a big 'hm' moment

people should hide behind jinx. even mammoth hid behind jinx.
eh really?? u sure i'm the one ur thinking of there's a few of us but ;;;; ty
Even if you're not the one I'm thinking of, I've seen some of your tags on Deerly recently!
I like seeing what's going with other people! I'm a skulker...
i wanna play against V3s some day so bad
and ouma seems so difficult & interesting to play
ahhhhh okok ty
i mean....deer tdm is up right now if y'all....wanna test.... /selfpromotion
I hide in the shadows...And stare adoring at people
I wish! I'm planning on joining deerly once Yogen ends but until then, my hands are tied.
I don't want to fall in love with it and then not be able to do it for months. ...fall in love with it even more i mean lol
not that i have any idea when that'll be but i did see the dangan cast in that game and stared adoringly from afar
i'd love more
i'm potentially also reeling in a kaede and also my gf who may play shuichi/kaito/rantaro, depending
i'm the RLnami at yogen, hello
i'm apping ryslig this cycle BUT MAYBE IN THE FUTURE.....
i'd love it ty
i'd join you all instead but it seems complicated to do so and i won't disrupt dynamic and etc
Groans in want I want to play in Deerly so bad! But I just dropped a game because I couldn't handle three. And now, I'm conflicted on who I'd even bring! After Yogen (and playing with such amazing people) I feel more confident with Makoto. But I was originally thinking of having an OC of mine join Deerly since it's supposed to be a found family game.
Temptation~ Frustration~ So bad it makes her cry~
An exaggeration but still...
it's....a mix of everything? I'd like more Dangans but pace urself. I'm def using it for found family with Kokichi tho since he's always a great character to play in found family situations because he is so normally....against that, rofl
but ye. pace urselves, but if i can create Dangan Flood i'd be real proud of myself
i'm also open for any-paced psls at anytime -jazzhands-

Oh my~ I make take you up on that offer!
thats precisely why i love giving him my cinnamon rolls ngl, i've only played off of a kokichi once but nene trying to be a sincere friend to him wihtout being screwed over was so fun
he's struggling now since everyone's been Nice to him in deer for the most part
and he was taken from the last possible point he could've been taken from....so he's still reeling with Guilt....and took the opportunity to go 'any prize?' after a series of trauma events and went 'great, give me shuichi's hat' because moving on? that's hilarious.
i love playing him off cinnamon rolls tho since mine hits error blocks with that, considering, and he's just 'mmmmmm i'll probably accidentally fuck this up because it's me, that's a me thing, but if you want to like me that's...that's a you problem'
back. He's a complicated boy.
i luv he but ye i didn't mean to take this over just, uh
sends my love for dangans from afar
tbh if i brought a dangan to a third game it might not be nanami, just cause if she gets into ryslig that'll be two games for her
but like
sends love from afar also, you are cool
I'LL TAKE ANYONE.....1, 2, V3, whoever u got -salutes-
nods Suggestion taken into consideration.