(I'll get Gabranth's up tomorrow I'm just beat and passing out rn)
I got a little wordy with the sections but I wanted to cover all recent bases for interaction potential/ lay out what's likely in the stars for the future
and so I don't have to do a sotrp post for next month but that's neither here nor there
anyway if anyone has ideas for CR exchanges but has questions or isn't sure about anything I've outlined, come here to me and I'll carry you in my strong arms towards the waters of future RP
another reply of me gushing how adorable he is

yesssss steeples my corruptive fingers
Flint: kill one of the animals off to incite rage
this trio: instructions unclear, came home with (1) wolf after passing off the rest to team hero
oh my god those gifs ahahahaahaha

they're so soft
whew at astarion sharing the vampire story too like. hoo. unpack that shit carefully
eolasemah they’re amazing and I’m not even a little sorry it was the only fade-touched gif content I could find
honestly unfair of them both
there’s so much to it and it’s all a total mess
because tag notifs are acting up I’m going to track a bit in here but spice things up by attaching cr or thread appropriate Real Housewives gifs to match each one
(also still going to be a bit slow because my energy keeps spiking and dropping thanks to fever, the menace that just keeps giving)
(and by giving, I mean putting me to sleep at random intervals lmf)
1: Astarion > Mobius
3: Astarion > Ellie
4: Astarion > Abby
6: Astarion > Byerly

autocorrect really being sneaky about correcting behind my back today but doing it super badly
yeah buddy that’s definitely the word I needed there
"don't lololol for me, Argentina"
1: Astarion > Ellie
(me continuing to delight in the fact that these two are so incompatible as coworkers in every possible way but somehow he's up there at the top of her competency list)
(tbf say what you will about him but when it comes to fieldwork, secrets and murder, he does turn into the sharpest knife imaginable)
I'm limiting myself to one per thread but they bring me joy while notifs are out here still being iffy
someday I'll just do a meme where I make all characters into real housewives gifs
(everyone else's characters, that is)
everything about him annoys the hell out of her but he's a rifter with some undefined abilities and extremely sharp teeth who somehow isn't dead yet despite having a very killable personality
"very killable personality"
in her professional opinion
it’s not incorrect is the thing
oh I meant to ask, would you like a starter for gabbo or do you prefer to make one
whew sorry fam yesterday was unexpectedly a wash but I’ll be around later today instead
eolasemah a starter would be great if you don’t mind! I’ll leap in once I come back this afternoon, otherwise I can make one just fine
do u also want me to make an astarion specific starter for Reunions
pogonophile pls yes! sorry, sickness slammed down hard in the last few days; I really thought I’d be more functional overall than I actually could be
the worst seems to have finally broken though as of yesterday tho so in general re: RP I’m going to take some time to get everything taken care of (albeit snail’s pace style but you know, such is the nature of catching up)
and along those lines, I've already mentioned this w his closest CR but Gabranth’s going to be parting ways with Riftwatch; he wants to roam out into the wilds with his girlfriend and, you know, actually live a life for once
AKA where Jone goes, he goes
plus it’s been harder and harder for me to keep up with writing Shakespearean melodrama without constantly canon reviewing, and I’m sadly not doing the best job of keeping up the way I want to thanks to rl stuff so
long story short is he’s not going home, he’s going off to be horny and rowdy which is exactly what he needs, especially after losing his in game bffs, where it’s like ok yes I understand it now, service can't be forever
it's not dishonorable to be a person every once in a while for as long as it lasts
and most importantly I’m good to write any and all farewells or parting threads if anyone wants to say goodbye to a big dumb badly behaving dogboy
(or IC letters going forward, that too)
Sad but also happy for him!! Go be honey and rowdy!!!

he's ready for this!!
he needs them, let’s be real
go live your best life Gabranth
also still cries about Erik.....
i'm mad at myself for not getting back to the game in time to do Stuff with him, but i'm also so pleased that he gets to ride off into the sunset with an ugly girl
hey she's beautiful to him that's all that matters (because hello have u seen those muscles, that scowl)
(the way she looks when she's tearing dudes apart)
anyway okay, no more getting waylaid by irl stuff, tracking in here to keep my tdl straight of what I've touched and what I still need to touch tomorrow to catch up, etc
4: Astarion > Abby + Byerly
9: Astarion > Ellie and OKAY I'm too tired, more tomorrow
if anything doesn't make sense lmk I'm running on post-art fumes tonight and I wouldn't be surprised if I rambled
but as I go, thinkin about she:

I do 100% want someone to play like this with Razikale once Astarion unintentionally brings her back from his mission.......
also you sure did hurt me with that tag thanks
Loki: this all seems terribly familiar
oh my lord look at that darling
i wanna read this hurty ellie astarion thread :T
god you two w your beautiful words
hhffff shoves you from 80000 miles away (but nicely)
I say, being the person that attempted a digital shove
how rude to dodge being shoved
sorry im so good at dodging
WHEW okay all of today was for landlord cleaning (tomorrow we’re freee) so I didn’t get anything done but let’s see if I can make some progress before I pass out tonight
or I could fall asleep after sitting down and pass out for 3 hours that's fine too
makes dinner at 3am??? anyway let's fucking go
5: Astarion > Dante but spirits edition
and ugh ok too tired but tomorrow once everything's done I'll pick up with where I left off since I really wanted to tap all the crossroads threads

she at l a s t
I can't wait to pet a doggo
she can’t wait to be pet
/lays in a puddle of tears missing her wolves
gently wipes away your tears 3 days later now that plurk is done hiding this from me
Astarion > Dante
Astarion > Ellie
Astarion > Loki
Astarion > Barrow
Astarion > Ortega
Astarion > Fade-touched mission
didn't get as far as I wanted, but I tapped most of the crucial threads first; the rest tomorrow
they look out for each other tyvm

on today’s episode of notepad lags and decides skipping a letter is fine
I promise u, phone, ‘arm’ is not the word I was looking for
a step up from foot in mouth
I was trying to think of an appendage joke to match but my brain is too tired so pretend there’s a seriously hilarious one here
(as if I’m capable of being that funny to begin with)
currently losing it over the fact that these crossroads threads are filled with (perfect) pain and then over in the other corner Emet-Selch is holding him like an unruly cat asking what happened to his dumb fucking face
this just feels so on brand for them though
it seriously does, I’m shocked I didn’t see this coming